Te Mataili (801)

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Te Mataili
The sister ship Kikau
The sister ship Kikau
Ship data
flag TuvaluTuvalu Tuvalu
Ship type Patrol boat
class Pacific forum class
Commissioning 1994
Ship dimensions and crew
31 m ( Lüa )
displacement 162  t
Machine system
machine Diesel engine

The Te Mataili (801) was a patrol boat of the Pacific Islands Forum , which was made available to Tuvalu by Australia . It was operated by the Tuvalu Police Force . The exclusive economic zone of Tuvalu covers 900,000 km² and for a long time the Te Mataili was the only patrol boat with a long range, until it was decommissioned and replaced by the larger and more modern Te Mataili II .


When the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea was concluded, which extended the exclusive economic zone to 200 nm (370.4 km), Australia offered to make smaller patrol boats available to the twelve smaller states of the Pacific Islands Forum.


The boat is 31 m long. The Australian shipbuilder Austal used standardized equipment for construction so that the boat is easy to maintain even in small, remote shipyards.


The International Work Group for Indigenous Affairs , an international human rights organization, questioned how the government established the Te Mataili after the Public Order Act 2011 was passed. Under this law, public gatherings were banned for a fortnight. The boat was located near the residences of the Governor General and the Prime Minister during this period . There were fears that the boat could be used for intimidation purposes.

In October 2011, the Tuvalu government had to declare a state of emergency when the drinking water reserves reached dangerously low levels due to a drought . The Te Mataili then transported a seawater desalination plant of the Red Cross to Nukulaelae .

On March 3, 2017, the Te Mataili rescued two fishermen from Fuafatu .

On July 5, 2018, the ship escorted the Nivaga III , which brought the heads of government of the Polynesian states to Amatuka . On November 22, 2018, it transferred the body of former Prime Minister Apisai Ielemia from the capital to his home island of Vaitupu .

Her successor ship Te Mataili II was launched on November 26, 2018 and put into service on April 5, 2019. All Pacific Island Forum ships will be returned to Australia for recycling when replaced.


  1. HMTSS Te Mataili. Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission [1] 2018-11-30.
  2. ^ A b Christopher Pyne: Guardian Class Patrol Boat gifted to Tuvalu. Australian Ministry of Defense 2019-04-07. [2] 2019-04-07: "Te Mataili II was received by the Prime Minister of Tuvalu, the Right Hon Enele Sosene Sopoaga at a handover ceremony attended by the Minister for Foreign Affairs, Trade, Tourism, Environment and Labor, the Hon Taukelina Finikaso, the Minister for Natural Resources, the Hon Dr Puakena Boreham, and the Commissioner of the Tuvalu Police Service, Commissioner Luka Falefou. "
  3. a b Australia hands over Guardian-class patrol boat to Tuvalu. In: Naval Today 2019-04-06. [3] 2019-04-07. "The 39.5 meter steel hulled patrol boat was built by Australian shipbuilder Austal under an AUD 335 million program that will see 21 boats gifted to 12 Pacific Island countries and Timor-Leste."
  4. Update 2011 - Tuvalu. IWGIA 2012. [4] 2018-10-26. "That same day (January 12), the armed Coast Guard vessel Te Mataili was deployed off shore in the Funafuti lagoon close to the residences of the Governor General and the Prime Minister of Tuvalu. It is not known why the vessel was moved in. However, the involvement of this vessel and the fact that some of the personnel may have been armed - an unprecedented event in Tuvalu's peaceful history - was a source of grave fear and concern for Tuvalu's population . 2 The government later denied deploying armed personnel when questioned on the matter by the opposition in parliament. "
  5. ^ Australia responds to Tuvalu water crisis. Relief Web 2011-10-07. [5] 2018-10-26. "The Australian-provided Tuvalu patrol boat, Te Mataili, has also delivered a portable desalination plant, provided by the International Federation of Red Cross, to the island of Nukulaelae."
  6. Mate Lina Stuart: Fishermen Adrift for 15 hours and the convenience of grave bags. Tuvalu fisheries 2017-03-03. [6] 2017-03-03.
  7. Afasene Iosefa: PLG LEADERS TO retreating AMATUKU. KMT News 2018-07-05. [7] 2018-10-26. “There was a very tight security down at the main wharf from the Police Force when the leaders boarded the vessel on their way to Amatuku and even onboard. The patrol boat 'Te Mataili followed all the way to Amatuku after the Nivaga III. "
  8. ^ Former Tuvalu prime minister laid to rest. Radio New Zealand 2018-11-22. [8] 2019-01-15. "His body was transported to Vaitupu by Tuvalu's patrol boat, Te Mataili, on Tuesday night."
  9. AUSTAL DELIVERS FIRST GUARDIAN CLASS PATROL BOAT. Austal 2018-11-30. "The program is now in a full rate of production, with the second vessel, which is destined for Tuvalu, successfully launched on Monday with an additional three vessels in various stages of construction. Austal are already looking at export opportunities for the GCPB, Mr Singleton said. "