Ted Raicer

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Ted Raicer (born 1958 in New Jersey ) is an American game author who has specialized primarily in the development of historical conflict simulation games (wargames) with themes from the First World War . The game Paths of Glory , which was awarded the first International Gamers Award in 2000 as the best simulation game, became particularly well known .


Ted Raicer began developing independent conflict simulation games in the early 1990s, in which he re-enacted stages and war campaigns from the First World War. The game 1918: Storm in the West , published in 1992, and several subsequent ones were nominated for the Charles S. Roberts Award . Here Raicer initially published his games in the book published by the XTR Corp Command Magazine . In 1999, Paths of Glory was published by GMT Games and received both the Charles S. Roberts Award and the International Gamers Award for the best historical simulation game in the following year . It was followed by numerous other nominations and awards in the following years, with Raicer from 2002 to World War II: Barbarossa to Berlin and 2007 with Red Storm over the kingdom also the first game in the World War II settled and especially the battles and campaigns between the Russian armies under Josef Stalin and the German troops of Adolf Hitler simulated. However, he also kept returning to the First World War. GMT Games remained the preferred publisher for Raicer, although he also brought out individual titles on Critical Hit, Moments in History and Compass Games. The First World War was even published by the consumer publishers Mayfair Games and Phalanx Games in 2004, and in 2008 Raicer and numerous other game developers participated in Tide of Iron: Designer Series Vol. 1 as a supplement to the Tide of Iron game published by Fantasy Flight Games .

Ludography (selection)

  • 1992: 1918: Storm in the West (XTR Corp)
  • 1992: Plan 1919 (XTR Corp; Command Magazine Issue # 16)
  • 1993: When Eagles Fight (XTR Corp)
  • 1993: 1914: Glory's End (XTR Corp)
  • 1995: The Great War in Europe (XTR Corp)
  • 1996: The Great War in the Near East (XTR Corp)
  • 1997: All Quiet on the Western Front (Critical Hit, Inc., Moments in History)
  • 1999: Paths of Glory ( GMT Games )
  • 1999: Grunwald 1410 (XTR Corp)
  • 2000: Royal Tank Corps (Moments in History)
  • 2001: Reds! The Russian Civil War 1918-1921 (GMT Games)
  • 2001: Clash of Giants (GMT Games)
  • 2002: World War II: Barbarossa to Berlin (GMT Games)
  • 2004: Grand Illusion: Mirage of Glory, 1914 (GMT Games)
  • 2004: The First World War ( Mayfair Games , Phalanx Games )
  • 2006: Clash of Giants II (GMT Games)
  • 2007: Red Storm over the Reich (Compass Games)
  • 2007: The Great War in Europe: Deluxe Edition
  • 2008: Tide of Iron: Designer Series Vol. 1 ( Fantasy Flight Games , with numerous other authors)
  • 2009: The Pocket at Falaise (Against the Odds, LPS, Inc.)
  • 2010: Storming the Reich (Compass Games)
  • 2010: Stalin's War (GMT Games)
  • 2010: Hitler Turns East (Against the Odds, LPS, Inc.)
  • 2011: Four Roads to Moscow (Against the Odds, LPS, Inc.)
  • 2011: Case Yellow, 1940: The German Blitzkrieg in the West (GMT Games)
  • 2013: The Dark Valley (GMT Games)
  • 2014: 1914: Glory's End / When Eagles Figh (GMT Games)
  • 2016: Fall Of The Third Reich (Compass Games)
  • 2016: Clash of Giants: Civil War (GMT Games)
  • 2018: The Dark Sands (GMT Games)


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