Tensfelder Au

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Tensfelder Au
Take Tensfelder Au near

Take Tensfelder Au near

location District of Plön , Schleswig-Holstein , Germany
River system Schwentine
Drain over Schwentine  → Baltic Sea
River basin district Schlei / Trave
source between Alt-Erfrade (municipality of Tarbek ) and Tensfeldermoor
54 ° 1 ′ 30 ″  N , 10 ° 18 ′ 25 ″  E
muzzle when taking in the Great Plöner See coordinates: 54 ° 5 '6 "  N , 10 ° 24' 4"  E 54 ° 5 '6 "  N , 10 ° 24' 4"  E

The Tensfelder Au is a river in the Segeberg and Plön districts in the German state of Schleswig-Holstein which flows into the Great Plöner See near Nehmten . With a catchment area of ​​73.4 km², the Tensfelder Au is the second largest inflow of the Great Plöner See after the Schwentine .


The Au has its origins in the Tarbeker and Muggesfelder Moor north of the village of Blunk and then flows in a north-easterly direction past the eponymous village of Tensfeld directly towards the Großer Plöner See. In the catchment area are the Nehmser See , Muggesfelder See , Seedorfer See and the Stocksee . They all drain directly or indirectly into the Tensfeld Au. In the estuary area of ​​the Tensfelder Au, over 100 hectares have been artificially drained by a pumping station since 1968 after the course of the river was relocated.

See also


  • Pöhls, Heinrich: Between Grimmelsberg, Stocksee and Tensfelder Au, a local history of the villages Stocksee, Damsdorf, Tensfeld, Tarbek, published by the four municipalities, self-published, 1979

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