Terry Winter Owens

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Terry Winter Owens (born 1941 in New York City , † July 31, 2007 ) was an American composer and pianist .

Owens, who began composing at the age of ten, had piano lessons with Lisa Szylagi Grad and composition lessons with Ralph Shapey . She then studied composition with Mark Brunswick at the City College of New York and musicology at New York University .

Already during her school days she performed as a violinist and pianist, and later as a harpsichordist with various orchestras and chamber ensembles. She was musical director and harpsichordist of the Staten Island Baroque Ensemble and for several years principal violinist of the La Puma Opera Company Orchestra . She worked as a pianist for the Richmond Opera Collection and was a regular guest musician at the Collegium Musicum of the College of Staten Island . As a piano soloist, she performed a program with works by Georges I. Gurdjieff and Thomas de Hartmann in Europe and the USA with great success .

As a composer she was in the tradition of Anton Webern's school and dealt with computer-aided composition early on. She developed a modal-atonal style of composition, which she called the Resonant Continuum . In addition, she also mastered traditional compositional styles and presented the baroque Homage To Corelli and the romantic Serenades to the Composers . She worked several times as a composer with the filmmaker Douglas Morse . For the Messages for Raoul Wallenberg , she received first prize at the Miriam Gideon Competition .


  • 336: Sources of Light for Marimba
  • Adagio for flute and piano
  • Air for Voice , Vokalize for flute and piano
  • Ancient Breath of the Sea for trumpet, vibraphone, piano and narrator
  • Ancient Fire for two pianos
  • Ariadne's Crown for two pianos
  • At the End of the Radiance in the Sky for Shakuhachi and narrator
  • Audible Landscape for piano
  • "On the Last Hill ..." for violin and marimba
  • Beneath Ancient Trees for two double basses
  • Bright Star for voice and piano after John Keats
  • Cellestial Music Book I: The Facts of Light for Cello and Narrator
  • Connective Tissue for cello and piano
  • Elegy for the Nephew of Prince Mukhransky for piano
  • Expanding Orbits for viola and piano with poems by Rainer Maria Rilke
  • Exposed on the Cliffs of the Heart for piano
  • Fox Fire for marimba, timpani and piano
  • From Underneath my Eyelids and Magnetized by the Triangular Flight for piano and narrator
  • Five pieces for recorder
  • Homage to Antoine de Saint-Exupéry for piano trio and narrator
  • Homage to Corelli for piano
  • Homage a Mendelssohn , Vocalize for voice and piano
  • Intimations of Celestial Events for two pianos
  • In the Fullness of Time for two pianos
  • Suit for clarinet, triangle according to Rainer Maria Rilke
  • Lay Your Shadow on the Sundials for two bassoons and narrator
  • Letters to Richard Feynman for percussion duo and narrator
  • Music from the Year of the Comet for flute and piano
  • My Room and This Vastness for string quartet
  • Of The Sound for orchestra
  • Peace Anthem for soprano, mixed choir, piano, glockenspiel and narrator
  • Percussive ruminations for six percussionists and narrators
  • Pianophoria # 1 for piano
  • Pianophoria # 2 for piano
  • Pianophoria # 3 for two pianos
  • Red Shift for piano and narrator
  • Reflections from the Face of the Eiger for trumpet, violin, glockenspiel and piano
  • Rendezvous with Hyakutake for piano
  • Rhapsodies for flute and piano
  • Rhapsody from the Fabric of Spacetime for piano
  • Rilke Sings for mixed choir, piano and timpani
  • Scenes from All and Everything for orchestra
  • Sentient Rock, Living Ice for flute, violin, percussion and piano
  • Ships of St. Venoma for flute and piano
  • Spectral Glow for piano and narrator
  • Supernova for flute and narrator
  • Ten Preludes for Vibraphone
  • The Bending of the Light and the Resonant Continuum for piano and narrator
  • The Clearing , film music for two flutes, piano and timpani
  • The Eighth Elegy Voice for speaker / singer, violin and piano based on the Duinese elegies by Rilke
  • The Last Sweetness for flute, piano and narrator
  • The New Jerusalem for soprano, baritone, mixed choir, flute, piano and triangle
  • The Pure Space Into Which Flowers Endlessly Open for piano trio and narrator
  • The Rapture of Beta Lyrae for piano
  • The Still Point for piano
  • Three Pieces for Piano and Timpani
  • Toccata for piano
  • Vectors for piano
  • Visits with Friends Duets for soprano and treble recorders
  • When My Senses Deepen for piano
  • Wind, Sand and Stars: Five Rhapsodies for viola d'amore and piano
  • Woodwind quints

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