Théodore Aubert

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Théodore Aubert

Théodore Aubert (born September 8, 1878 in Geneva ; † January 19, 1963 there , entitled to live in Geneva) was a Swiss politician ( Union nationale ).


Aubert studied law at the University of Geneva and then worked as a lawyer . He was also a senior member of the Swiss Alpine Club , where he spread his political views. From 1917 to 1919 he was a delegate of the Federal Council for Internees and Prisoners of War in France and later of the International Committee of the Red Cross in Berlin. He was a founding member of the vigilante movement in French-speaking Switzerland , which formed against the national strike in 1918 and campaigned for the establishment of right-wing action groups, for whose recruitment Aubert used the - actually apolitical - structures of the Swiss Alpine Club. He achieved this mainly in the canton of Valais ( Brig , Siders , Monthey ), and to some extent also in Friborg , La Chaux-de-Fonds and northern Ticino . Aubert was party leader of the newly founded Union de défense économique and was then from 1923 to 1925 president of this right-wing grand councilor in the canton of Geneva . In the so-called Conradi affair in Lausanne , he achieved the acquittal of the accused as a lawyer by converting the climate in Switzerland, which was shaped by Russian emigrants and repatriated Russian- Swiss , into a condemnation of Bolshevism . In 1924 he founded the Entente internationale contre la III e Internationale , which is also known as the Liga Aubert . From 1935 to 1939 he was a national member of the National Council for the fascist union .


Dmitri Novik: Théodore Aubert et son œuvre - Le mouvement international contre le bolchévisme . 1932.

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Individual evidence

  1. a b c Andrea Porrini, In: Helvetia Club - 150 Years of the Swiss Alpine Club SAC: At the bottom - The “apolitical” SAC in the party-political conflicts of the interwar period . Ed .: Daniel Anker . SAC Verlag, Bern 2013, ISBN 978-3-85902-362-8 , pp. 174 ff .