Thayarunde bike path

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Thayarunde bike path
overall length 111 km
location Lower Austria , Czech Republic
Flooring mostly asphalt
difficulty long flat stretches, short steep ascent
Traffic volume Own bike path 50 kilometers / secondary routes
Website URL
Thayarunde cycle path near Dobersberg
Cycling map

The Thayarunde-Radweg ( Czech Cyklostezka Die Thayarunde ) is a 111-kilometer cross-border circular cycle route that was opened on June 24, 2017. It leads 50 kilometers on the former railway lines of the Thayatalbahn and the Göpfritz-Raabs Bahn . The remaining 61 kilometers it leads on little-traveled side roads and country roads. A 25-kilometer section is in the Czech Republic . The Thaya River largely accompanies the route and also brings back memories of the old summer freshness. The towns of Waidhofen / Thaya , Groß-Siegharts , Raabs / Thaya , Slavonice and the markets Waldkirchen / Thaya , Dobersberg , Thaya , Windigsteig , Göpfritz / Wild , and Pisečné are on the route. The Thayarunde Cycle Path was awarded the Top Cycle Route on May 8, 2018.


Thayarunde cycle path starts at Raabs / Thaya

Starting in Waidhofen / Thaya , the continuously paved route has a slight incline to Dobersberg . Continuing on the former Thayatalbahn route, you get to Slavonice without any significant inclines . The Czech part of the round tour leads partly on country roads with little traffic. Back in Austria near Schaditz , the path leads slightly hilly to the town of Raabs / Thaya , here the Moravian Thaya joins the Austrian part of the Thaya . The route continues for 17 kilometers, slightly uphill, on the asphalt railway line via Groß-Siegharts to Breitenfeld. There you branch off to the right and come back for the last 18 kilometers on slightly hilly and well-developed paths via Weinpolz and Windigsteig to Waidhofen / Thaya .

Expansion and marking

The route is divided into 5 stages and has a 2.5 meter wide asphalt strip on the two rail route stages ( Thayatalbahn stage 3 and Bandlkramer stage 1 ), which is well marked and easy to drive on. The 18-kilometer Felixetappe 4 from Waidhofen / Thaya to Breitenfeld is marked as Thayarunde-Süd and leads slightly hilly on side roads and country roads with little traffic. In 2019, a 300 meter long forest passage was paved between Weinpolz and Breitenfeld. The renaissance stage 2 is provided with the Czech bicycle marking system from Slavonice to the Hluboka border. In the Czech Republic there are no straight arrows on the marker boards. From Schaditz the path leads on little-traveled side roads and country roads to Raabs / Thaya . The Predigtstuhlbahn Section 5 leads from large-Siegharts about Dietmanns and Hollenbach according Waidhofen / Thaya , of the 15 kilometers 6.5 kilometers of track unpaved dirt roads.


Signage in Austria Signage in the Czech Republic
Signage Thayarunde.jpg Thayarunde, cycling route sign in Czech Republic.jpg


View of Raabs / Thaya Castle from the bike path
  • Dobersberg Nature Park
  • Waldrapp aviary Waidhofen / Thaya
  • Motor skills park Waidhofen / Thaya
  • Kollmitz ruins
  • Lindenhof Galleries Raabs / Thaya
  • Sirius energy world
  • Gross-Siegharts Textile Museum
  • Haidlkeller
  • Old river baths along the Thaya circuit

Web links

Commons : Thayarunde-Radweg  - Collection of pictures, videos and audio files