The Cottage

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German title The Cottage
Original title The Cottage
Country of production Great Britain , France
original language English
Publishing year 2008
length 92 minutes
Age rating FSK 18
Director Paul Andrew Williams
script Paul Andrew Williams
production Ken Marshall
music Laura Rossi
camera Christopher Ross
cut Tom Hemmings

The Cottage is a 2008 horror film with elements of black humor . Paul Andrew Williams was responsible for the script and direction .


The action begins in a small country house ( Cottage ) in England: The Peter and David brothers kidnap Tracey, the stepdaughter of Arnie, a crime boss. After a heated conversation at the kitchen table, Peter and David get their victim out of the trunk. As they drag Tracey up the stairs, Peter is distracted by her clipping, so he doesn't notice that she has woken up in the meantime. She gives him several headbuttons so that Peter screams in pain. David intervenes, stops the tussle and takes care of Peter's bloody nose. Then he ties Tracey to a bed. Things start to go wrong when Andrew, Arnie's poor son and Tracey's stepbrother, delivers the ransom. Instead of money, the bag only contains tissues. David and Peter realize that not only have they been set up, but that Arnie knows that Andrew is involved.

After Peter accidentally drops his cell phone in a puddle, David goes into the village to again demand a ransom from a phone booth. Meanwhile he meets some sinister locals who know that he has stayed at Barnarby Cottage with some other "strangers" and warn him to keep his doors locked. David returns distraught and discovers that the devious Tracey has knocked Andrew out and kidnapped Peter.

A little further on, Peter and Tracey come to a strange farm. After entering the house, they quickly discover that they have ended up in the house of a wacky, deformed serial killer known only as "The Farmer".

After they open a trap door in the kitchen, behind which they discover a secret staircase leading to the basement, the disfigured farmer stabs Tracey from behind. Scared, Peter flees upstairs and jumps out of the bedroom window. Tracey survived her injury and yells for Peter to help her escape too. Meanwhile, the farmer comes back to the lower part of the property. Peter puts it out of action with a blow of a shovel, saving Tracey's life. Tracey urges Peter to kill the madman, but the farmer wakes up during the discussion and knocks off a piece of Peter's foot with the shovel. When the farmer is about to kill Peter, Tracey makes fun of him and tells him to hurry up. Frustrated, the farmer suddenly turns to Tracey and cuts off her skull through the upper jaw. Thereupon he knocks the hysterical Peter unconscious and hangs him with his jacket on a meat hook in a shed.

Meanwhile, Andrew and David discover Andrew's hairdresser Steven, who has been eviscerated before setting off to find Peter and Tracey. In the process, they stumble across one of Arnie's henchmen who's throat was slit. Soon after reaching the farm, they find a shed with various severed heads. The farmer suddenly appears. David and Andrew rush outside, where the farmer pegs David to the ground with a rusty pickaxe through his leg. He then chases Andrew into the nearby horse stables where he murders him with a machete. Then he separates his spine from the body and tears out the backbone together with the head.

Peter wakes up and can free himself from the hook, then crawls across the floor to David. Both drag themselves to the farm house in search of a phone. The farmer emerges quickly and throws Andrew's head and spine through the window. David tries to defend his brother, but is stabbed in the heart by the farmer himself with a pickaxe. Peter begins to strangle the farmer with a rope.

The farmer, in turn, lets Peter throw him down the cellar, with a kitchen cabinet falling on him and closing the trap door. But Peter still has the rope and continues to strangle the farmer until he finally falls to the ground. Since the trap door is blocked by the weight of the cupboard and the farmer, Peter cannot free himself. Since he has nowhere else to go, he goes deeper into the basement. Peter lights his lighter and discovers the farmer's family, also disfigured. "It must be a nightmare" are his last words before the lights go out and he is attacked by the degenerate family.

After the credits, Arnie and his right hand man come to the farm. As they approach the door, the farmer suddenly storms out and attacks them with the pickaxe. As he swings it, the image freezes and turns black.


“First indie director Paul Andrew Williams (" London to Brighton ") relies on lively dialogues, then blood and guts spatter, and a hearty, effectively styled survival splatter begins. [...] Conclusion: Found food - only for die-hard people! "

“Conclusion: In addition to all the great English actors and the British (rather macabre) humor, The Cottage also convinces with its brutality. They are really hearty, but they don't get hit on the ears as permanently as is the case with the current violent porn. "


“The attempt at a pitch-black crime comedy. The director seems to see his formal failure in the second half and turns his film into a flawless splatter orgy. "

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Certificate of Approval for The Cottage . Voluntary self-regulation of the film industry , May 2008 (PDF; test number: 113 875 DVD).
  2. The Cottage on
  3. The Cottage on
  4. The Cottage. In: Lexicon of International Films . Film service , accessed March 2, 2017 .Template: LdiF / Maintenance / Access used