The Mikado (film)

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German title The Mikado
Original title The Mikado
Country of production Great Britain
original language English
Publishing year 1939
length 90 minutes
Director Victor Schertzinger
script WS Gilbert
production Geoffrey Toye
music Arthur Sullivan
camera William V. Skall
cut Philip Charlot
Gene Milford

The Mikado is a film adaptation of the operetta from 1939 by director Victor Schertzinger . The film is based on the operetta of the same name by Gilbert and Sullivan . The main roles were played by Kenny Baker and Martyn Green .



The Mikado was shot in Technicolor and it was the first time that a Savoy opera , so comic operas, respectively. Called operettas, which were developed in Victorian England in the late 19th century by Gilbert and Sullivan, was fully filmed.


Academy Awards 1940
  • Nomination: Best Camera (Color)

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. The Technicolor Mikado Film (1939) Gilbert & Sullivan Discography, January 29, 2014