Wilhelm Schöbel

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Wilhelm Schöbel (born September 9, 1926 in Trebnitz (now Třebenice in the Czech Republic ); † November 21, 2011 in Fulda ) was a German association functionary in various associations of expellees and is considered a pioneer of the town twinning between Leitmeritz and Fulda.


Wilhelm Schöbel completed an apprenticeship as a gardener in his Bohemian homeland and began to work. With the beginning of the Second World War he was called up for military service and was then taken into American captivity . After his release he lived with his parents in Fulda from 1947. There he volunteered from 1951 to 1965 as the district chairman of the German Youth of the East (DJO). In 1953 he was significantly involved in the construction of the DJO home in Fulda, which he looked after for almost 60 years until his death.

Also from 1951 he was on the district board of the Sudeten German Landsmannschaft , from 1971 as district chairman . Here he was mainly active in the grassroots work in the organization of events and member support , as was the case with the Association of Displaced Persons , in which he was also deputy district chairman on the board.

He was particularly interested in the home district of Leitmeritz , in which displaced people from his homeland, who now live all over Germany, have come together. From 1987 he was Vice Chairman and from 1991 to 2007 Chairman. During this time he spent as much time in his honorary office as if he were working full-time. He was significantly involved in the establishment of the town twinning between Litoměřice and Fulda in 2001 and the establishment of the Fulda-Leitmeritz / Litoměřice Circle of Friends .


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Individual evidence

  1. ^ Wolfgang Hamberger , Thomas Heller, Werner Kirchhoff: History of the City of Fulda - Volume 2 , Verlag Parzeller, 2008, p. 259