Theater of the year

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The title Theater of the Year is awarded annually by the magazine “ Theater heute ”. It is based on surveys among the most important German-speaking critics.

List of award winners

Individual evidence

  1. The evaluation: The greatest honor. In: kultiversum. The culture platform. Retrieved August 25, 2016 .
  2. ^ Theater heute (ed.): THEATER HEUTE yearbook 1983 . ISBN 3-85541-013-5 , pp. 23 : “Perhaps the sensation of the season: the theater of the year is Düsseldorfer Schauspielhaus, clearly chosen with 11 votes, which are probably mainly due to the remarkable program (five first and first performances, otherwise pieces from Calderon to Heiner Müller, by Goethe to Oscar wild) - Reason to be happy for Artistic Director Günther Beelitz and his dramaturgical collaborators Michael Huthmann, Gerd Jäger and Jürgen Fischer ..... "