Theobald Obach

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Theobald Obach (born September 30, 1843 in Stuttgart , † June 19, 1887 in Vienna ) was a German technician and pioneer in cable car construction.


After completing his studies at the Stuttgart Polytechnic, he did an internship as a volunteer at the mechanical cotton spinning dust JH & Sons in Old Town in Geislingen . He then worked in various English spinning mills and wire rope factories, developing his own system of wire ropeways with carrying and pulling ropes.

In 1868/69 he settled in Vienna as a civil engineer. From England he had brought the first steam road roller, which the Hofärar (Treasury) acquired.

On October 25, 1870, he submitted an Austrian patent for a cable car with separate cables for load and pull, with eccentric clamping device, cable support shoes and support rollers. After this was granted in early 1871, he founded his own company. His first passenger cable car, planned for the Vienna World Exhibition in 1873 , was never implemented. In 1873 he built a material ropeway with a length of 2762 m in the Hrastnik coalfield. A screw spindle clamping device was used as the coupling. In 1875 he built two more coal cable cars and in 1877 the 535 m long quarry cable car for Bohnkogel- Altenberg . In the 1880s he built cable cars for the Hohenauer sugar factory, the Lilienfeld cement factory and the Wittkowitzer and Ternitzer iron works. The cable car built in 1882 for the ironworks in Hunedoara in Transylvania had a length of 30.5 km, a total gradient of 892 m, free spans of up to 472 m and spanned 62 valleys.

His two brothers, who inherited the company, sold the wire rope production to Felten & Guilleaume and the cable car company in 1892 to Julius Pohlig .

In Linz the Obachplatz and in Vienna Obachgasse is named after him.


  • About cable cars ; Budapest, 1885


Individual evidence
