Theobald Schwarz

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Theobald Schwarz, also Diebold Schwarz, Nigrinus, Nigri, Niger (* around 1485 in Haguenau or Strasbourg , † 1561 in Strasbourg) was a Protestant theologian and reformer .


Diebold Schwarz entered the Dominican order at a young age . He studied in Vienna and then came to the Stephansfeld monastery near Brumath . During this time a change must have taken place in him. In Strasbourg since 1523, he became Matthäus Zell's helper and was the first to hold a German mass and a communion under both forms in the Strasbourg cathedral . The oldest record of such an order is also available from him. The council confirmed his election as pastor of Alt-St. Peter . He has held this office for over 20 years.

In 1534 Strasbourg loaned him to Augsburg for nine months . In 1538 he traveled with Zell to Wittenberg , where he was warmly welcomed by Martin Luther . During the time of the Augsburg interim he lived in Strasbourg without an office. After Kaspar Hedio's death he took his place, which he then exchanged for that at St. Aurelien . He also saw the return of Alt-St. Peter to the Evangelicals. When he could no longer climb the pulpit because of his age, members of the congregation carried him up in the armchair.


  • Johann Adam: Protestant church history of the city of Strasbourg up to the French Revolution . Heitz Publishing House, Strasbourg 1922.
  • Johannes Ficker , Otto Winkelmann: Handwriting samples from the 16th century based on Strasbourg originals . Trübner Publishing House, Strasbourg 1902/1905:
  1. To political history . 1902.
  2. To the spiritual story . 1905.