Theodor Brün

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Theodor Brün (born September 18, 1885 in Hamm , † August 4, 1981 in Hagen ) was a German painter, sculptor and graphic artist. His work includes watercolors, oil paintings, etchings, drawings, woodcuts and sculptures. In his profound and complex works of art, the focus is on people.


life and work

Theodor Brün was born as the first of nine children. His father was a businessman. He started school in Essen, where the family had moved. In 1905 Theodor Brün passed his A-levels and began studying law in Munich. He broke off this after a short time to study art. Brün attended Peter Halm's etching class in Munich and the Académie Julian in Paris. The acquaintance with the painter Christian Rohlfs led to the first exhibition. He was a soldier from 1914 to 1918.

Then he started wood carving. From 1921 to 1928 the artist often changed his place of residence, partly due to financial difficulties and partly for artistic reasons. During this time, the first larger commissioned works fall, for example for the Berlin Furche publishing house, which published his illustrations for Tolstoy's stories. In November 1928 Theodor Brün married his wife Carla, with whom he had three sons Timo, Bernd and Boris. She worked as a teacher and was a major contributor to the family when times were bad.

In 1931 he designed the memorial in the church in Traben-Trarbach , in the following two years the tomb for Walter Schrenk was built in the Trinity cemetery in Berlin. In the thirties he took part in numerous exhibitions in Düsseldorf, Hagen, Hamm, Münster and Hanover.

In the time of National Socialism he was one of the undesirable artists. In 1936 one of his three carvings (Holy Three Kings) was removed from the exhibition “Western Front 36”. In 1937 all of his exhibits were rejected in Munich. To support his family, Theodor Brün volunteered for the army in 1939. He was released after a short time and moved with his family to Stolp . In 1940 he was banned from exhibiting. Nevertheless, his works were exhibited in Hamm, Greifswald, Dortmund, Vienna and Hagen until 1945.

In total, the artist had over 100 exhibitions. Including joint exhibitions with Oswald Achenbach , Gert Arntz, Paul Fechter, Lis Goebel, Große-Perdekamp , Lotte Schrenk, Hermann Kätelhön , Otto Coester , Hermann Kuhmichel , Will Lammert, Lewy, Karel Niestrath, Grete Penner, Albert Reich , Christian Rohlfs , Wilhelm Schmurr , Eberhard Viegener and Karl Vogt. In the post-war period until his death, exhibitions followed in Münster, Telgte, Bielefeld, Hersfeld, Düsseldorf, Hagen, Frankfurt, Witten and Coesfeld.

Theodor Brün worked tirelessly until shortly before his death. He died of a heart attack on August 4, 1981 in Hagen at the age of almost 96.

Exhibitions (selection)

  • Special exhibition Theodor Brün, Museum St. Laurentius, Duisburg-Rheinhausen 07 May - 03 September 2017
  • A Zeitkolorit , Göhltalmuseum in Kelmis (Belgium) - 2014
  • Pictures from waiting, Alsdorf city library and Artothek - 2014
  • Theodor Brün on his 125th birthday, Monschau - 2010
  • People and Landscapes, Sparkasse Hagen - 2008
  • Exhibition in the Gustav-Lübecke-Museum, Hamm - 1979


  • Theodor Brün, paintings, drawings, prints and sculptures. Gustav Lübcke Museum Hamm. 1979 (exhibition catalog).


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