Theodor Frommer

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Carl Theodor Frommer , also Karl Theodor Frommer , (* 1829 in Kiauten , Goldap district ; † October 7, 1901 in Berlin ) was a German lawyer and parliamentarian.


Theodor Frommer, son of the teacher Matthias Frommer, studied law at the Albertus University in Königsberg . In 1846 he became a member of the Corps Littuania . After completing his studies, he took up a career as a judge and became a district judge in Pilkallen .

In 1863 Frommer was elected to the Prussian House of Representatives in the constituency of Gumbinnen 2 and re-elected in 1866. He belonged to the faction of the German Progressive Party . Because of his opposition in the House of Representatives, he was transferred to Schrimm in Posen in 1866/67 .

Later he settled as a lawyer in Cottbus and was a member of the city council, in 1881 as its head. Most recently he lived as a lawyer in Charlottenburg . In 1883 he was awarded the title of Counselor .

Frommer was legal counsel for the Stadttheater Cottbus, volunteer on the board of the Bar Association for the Berlin Chamber of Commerce and member of the Niederlausitz Society for Anthropology and Classical Studies .


  • Bernd Haunfelder : Biographical manual for the Prussian House of Representatives 1849–1867 (= manuals on the history of parliamentarism and political parties. Volume 5). Droste, Düsseldorf 1994, ISBN 3-7700-5181-5 , p. 102.

Individual evidence

  1. Death Register StA Berlin III, No. 1123/1901
  2. a b Kösener corps lists 1910, 139 , 13
  3. Deutsche Notariats-Zeitung 12 (1883), p. 207
  4. Biographisches Jahrbuch und Deutscher Nekrolog 6 (1901), Totenliste, p. 32 *
  5. Deutscher Bühnen-Almanch 1887, p. 92
  6. ^ Yearbook of the German Judicial Constitution 1889, p. 394
  7. ↑ List of members in the years of the Niederlausitzer Mitteilungen