Theodor Laue

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Theodor Laue (born March 1, 1893 in Bremen , † September 26, 1953 in Goslar ) was a German politician ( NSDAP ) and Senator for the Interior and Justice and Health from 1933 to 1937 in Bremen at the time of National Socialism .


Laue was the son of a textile goods shop owner and grew up in Bremen's Neustadt district . He attended secondary and secondary schools in Bremen and then completed a commercial apprenticeship. As an employee he worked in a company for lubricating oil products. From 1915 he was a soldier in the First World War . After the war he founded several small companies.

The initially conservative Laue joined the NSDAP in 1930 (membership number 383.662) and in 1931 the Sturmabteilung (SA). In the SA he soon became SA-Sturmbannführer . After the National Socialists came to power in Bremen , on March 8, 1933, he initially took over the duties of Police President after the Reich Minister of the Interior, Wilhelm Frick, had appointed Richard Markert as the new Bremen Police Senator on March 8, 1933 . He replaced the conservative police colonel Walter Caspari , who had rejected the unconstitutional use of the police in favor of the National Socialists on March 6, 1933 and who then had to resign on April 10. On March 18, 1933, Laue was appointed Senator for Law, Police and Internal Constitution in the Senate of Markert; soon afterwards the health service was added to the duties of the Senate.

Laue immediately founded an auxiliary police force made up of members of the SA, the SS and vom Stahlhelm, Bund der Frontsoldaten . At the end of March 1933 he created the concentration camps KZ Mißler and KZ-Ochtumsand. Under questionable circumstances, the prisoners in the concentration camps were supposed to be re-educated for National Socialism. Abuse in the concentration camps was tolerated.

Due to conflicts with the SA, Laues was expelled from this organization in 1934 and he joined the SS in 1935. Laue tried to limit the influence of Gauleiter Carl Röver , who was appointed Reich Governor for Oldenburg and Bremen on May 5 or 6, 1933 . As in 1937, he was made of Röver appointment of Boehmcker for Mayor of Bremen criticized this led to his dismissal as a senator on May 11, 1937th

He devoted himself again to his companies, u. a. the lubricating oil company Bick & Laue . At the same time he was a member of economic organizations in the city. As a captain of the reserve he was deployed from 1939 to the High Command of the Wehrmacht (OKW) until October 1939. He then worked in an economic specialist group and from 1943 at the Czech consumer cooperative in Prague . In 1944 he was promoted to SS-Oberführer . On August 4, 1945 he was arrested in Hoyerhagen in the county of Hoya and interned until 1949. After a notable denazification process , he was able to work again in his company Bick & Laue from 1950 . In 1952 he founded the automotive spare parts company Theodor Laue & Co.

Laue was married to Barbara, geb. Rassow (1870-1960). His grave is in the Riensberg cemetery in Bremen.

See also


Individual evidence
