Theodor Wünzer

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Julius Maria Theodor Wünzer (born October 4, 1831 in Schwabmünchen , † May 18, 1897 in Darmstadt ) was a German actor, director and theater manager.


Theodor Wünzer was a son of the royal Bavarian tax liquidation commissioner Franz Ignaz Theodor Wünzer and his wife Magdalena, nee. Schmidt. Due to the frequent transfers and thus relocations of his father's residence, Wünzer changed schools several times. So he first attended the elementary school in Regensburg and from 1843 for two and a half years the Latin school of the grammar school in Landshut. Here he also received violin lessons and - because of his beautiful alto voice (until his voice broke) - got a job as a singer at St. Martin , a. a. together with the later opera singer Ludwig Zottmayr (1828–1899). After the subsequent visit to the grammar school in Bamberg, after his father was again transferred in February 1850, he entered the 3rd class of the Maximiliansgymnasium in Munich and took the Abitur exams here in 1851. He first studied philosophy and law at the University of Munich .

He also took private acting lessons from the actor Friedrich Haase , who worked at the Munich court theater under Franz von Dingelstedt . In 1854 he made his debut as “Valentin” in Goethe's “ Faust ” at the Regensburg City Theater and then worked in Augsburg, Würzburg, Kissingen, Zurich and Chemnitz. From 1856 to 1864 he appeared at the court theater in Weimar, then was an actor and director in Zurich, in 1865 in Riga and in 1866 at the city theater in Cologne. In 1866 Duke Georg II appointed him to the court theater in Meiningen , from where in 1868 he also directed the theater of the Duke's summer residence in Liebenstein . From 1869 to 1874 he appeared at the royal theater in Berlin, where he also directed from 1870. In 1873 he performed at the Mannheim Hofbühne; In 1874 he went to the Hofbühne in Darmstadt as an actor and director, was appointed director of the theater in 1877/78, was appointed senior director in 1877 and took over as director from 1879 to 1894. He then retired with the rank of Privy Councilor.

In 1860 Wünzer married the grand ducal Saxon court actress Clementine Pabst in the Weimar court church. The marriage resulted in the son Rudolf (1862–1929) and the daughter Mathilde (* 1864).



  • 2 letters to the Königliches Schauspielhaus Berlin, Berlin, October 29, 1872: Berlin State Library, Manuscript Department, Darmstaedter Coll.


  • Moritz Rudolph: Riga Theater and Tonkünstler Lexicon together with the history of the Riga theater and the musical society . N. Kymmel Commissionsverlag, Riga 1890, p. 271 ( digitized version ).
  • Wilhelm Kosch (welcomed), Ingrid Bigler-Marschall: Deutsches Theater-Lexikon. Biographical and bibliographical manual . Vol. 7, de Gruyter, Berlin 2012, p. 3626.
  • Hermann Knispel: Theodor Wünzer . In: Karl Esselborn , Herman Haupt, Georg Lehnert (Hrsg.): Hessian biographies . Vol. 1, Hessischer Staatsverlag, Darmstadt 1918, pp. 161ff.
  • Theodor Wünzer: Memories of my childhood . In: Werner Ebermeier: The history of the Hans-Carossa-Gymnasium in Landshut 1629-2004 . Herbert Utz Verlag, Munich 2004, pp. 65–67.
  • Ursula Kramer: incidental music at the court theater in Darmstadt 1810–1918. Varieties of a natural theater practice . Schott, Mainz 2008.

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Individual evidence

  1. ↑ Annual report on the Latin school in Bamberg, made known at the award ceremony on August 31, 1847 . Kleesadl, Bamberg 1847, p. 6.
  2. Hellmut Flashar: Staging of antiquity. The Greek drama on the stage from early modern times to the present . Second revised and expanded edition. CH Beck, Munich 2009, ISBN 978-3-406-58409-1 , p. 373, note 45; here reference to: Hermann Kaiser: The Grand Ducal Theater in Darmstadt 1810–1910 . Roether, Darmstadt 1964 (with illustration of the set of the Darmstadt production of March 9, 1875 with Theodor Wünzer as Oedipus, who had previously played the same role in Meiningen and Creon in Antigone).
  3. Cooperative of German Stage Members (Ed.): New Theater Almanach 1895. Theater History Year and Address Book . 6th year FA Günther & Sohn, Berlin 1895, p. 334.