Theodor von dem Bussche

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Friedrich August Theodor von dem Bussche-Lohe (born August 25, 1791 in Hanover ; † March 13, 1855 there ) was a German lawyer, court official and theater manager.


Since his father died early, in 1809 the landscape director of Lenthe in Celle and in 1811 the Commerzrath Baring in Hanover were his guardians. He attended the Lüneburg Knight Academy from 1806 to 1809 and began studying law at Heidelberg University in October 1810 . From Easter 1811 he continued his studies at the University of Göttingen until 1812 and graduated with a doctorate. jur. from.

According to the address book of the royal residence city of Hanover , von dem Bussche, who lived at Friedrichstrasse 409 in 1842 , was royal chamberlain in Hanover and director of the Hanover court theater , where he worked several times. His first term of office was followed by Ernst von Meding as general manager in 1842 , whom he in turn replaced in 1845.



  • Heinrich F. Curschmann: Blue Book of the Corps Hannovera zu Göttingen, Volume 1: 1809–1899 Göttingen 2002, p. 47, No. 100

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Enrollment in Heidelberg on October 8, 1809. Theodor von dem Bussche was a member of the Landsmannschaft Guestphalia I in Heidelberg , cf. Kösener corps lists 1910, 112 , 51; in 1810 transfer to the newly founded Corps Hannovera Heidelberg , see Curschmann, Blaubuch , p. 271, no. 028.
  2. Enrolled on April 29, 1811. see: Götz von Selle (Ed.): Die Matrikel der Georg-August-Universität zu Göttingen - 1734 - 1837. Kraus Reprint, 1980, ISBN 978-3-262-00030-8
  3. In Göttingen he became a member of the Corps Hannovera Göttingen , see Curschmann (lit.)
  4. ^ Address book of the royal residence city of Hanover , Section VI: Directory of all members of the Royal Court Theater , pp. 68ff .; Digitized version of the Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Library - Lower Saxony State Library via the German Research Foundation
  5. Cornelia Roolfs: The Hanover court from 1814 to 1866 - court and court society. Volume 124: From sources and representations on the history of Lower Saxony. Hahnsche Buchhandlung , 2005, p. 314.
  6. ^ State Archives Hanover , inventory of the directorate of the Hoftheater in Hanover