Theodoros of Phocaea

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Theodoros of Phokaia was an architect of ancient Greece who worked in the late 5th and early 4th centuries BC. Worked.

The only source that gives the name is Vitruvius . In his list of older architects who wrote writings about their buildings or their architectural theory , he names Theodoros between Philon of Eleusis , the architect of the naval arsenal in Peiraios of Athens , and Hermogenes , the inventor of the pseudodipteros first implemented at Artemision of Magnesia am Meander . Accordingly, Theodoros wrote a work de tholo qui est Delphis, - "On the Delphic Tholos". It is therefore generally assumed that he was also the architect of the Tholos of Delphi . This around 380 BC The rotunda built in BC opened a small group of particularly valuable sanctuaries that were built in Greece in the 4th century BC. And which also include the Tholos of Epidaurus and the Philippeion in Olympia . The function of these tholos in Delphi, which were partially erected again in 1938, is unclear.



  1. ^ Vitruvius 7 Praefatio 12.