Theodor Poleck

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Theodor Poleck

Theodor Poleck (born November 10, 1821 in Neisse , Upper Silesia , † June 1, 1906 in Breslau ) was a German chemist, pharmacist and university professor.


Poleck studied at the Hessian Ludwig University of Gießen (laboratory of Justus von Liebig ), the Friedrichs University Halle and the Friedrich Wilhelms University in Berlin . He worked in his father's pharmacy and as a secondary school teacher in Neisse. He dealt with toxicological studies, food chemistry, the study of drinking water and research on dry rot. From 1867 Poleck headed the Pharmaceutical Institute of the Royal University of Breslau . He set up a pharmacological and chemical department there. As a full professor of pharmaceutical chemistry, he was dean of his faculty in 1887/88 and rector of the university in 1888/89 . In 1902 he was at the age of 81 years emeritus . He made it possible for Moritz Traube , a private scholar, who had been friends since his student days, to work in his laboratory at times. Poleck belonged to the board of directors of the Silesian Society for Patriotic Culture . In 1881 he was one of the founding philistines of the Academic Pharmaceutical Society at the University of Breslau, later the Corps Frisia Breslau. In 1849 he was elected to the German Academy of Sciences Leopoldina .

See also


  • J. Chr. Poggendorf: Biographical-literary concise dictionary for the history of exact sciences , Vol. 4, 1904, p. 1180.
  • J. Gadamer: The Pharmaceutical Institute , in: Festschrift to celebrate the centenary of the University of Wroclaw . Edited by G. Kaufmann, Part 2, Breslau 1911, pp. 458-465.

Individual evidence

  1. Rector's speeches (HKM)
  2. Bernd-A. Kahe, Alfred Priemeier, Ernst Battmer, Nils Höpken: Corps lists of the Braunschweig Seniors' Convent in the WSC. Frisia Breslau, No. 17. Braunschweig 1990.