Thomas Briccetti

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Thomas Briccetti (born January 14, 1936 in Mount Kisco , † May 27, 1999 in Perugia ) was an American composer, pianist and conductor.

Briccatti was a piano student of Jean Dansereau between 1947 and 1962 . He studied composition with Bernard Rogers (1953–55 at the Eastman School of Music ), Samuel Barber , Peter Mennin and Alan Hovhaness . His teachers as a conductor were Richard Lert and George Szell .

From 1959 he won several ASCAP prizes , in 1959 a prize from the American Academy in Rome , a composition grant from the Ford Foundation (1961–63) and in 1963 a grant from the Yaddo artists' colony . He has worked as a conductor and musical director with the St. Petersburg Symphony Orchestra (1962–69), the Indianapolis Symphony Orchestra (1969–75) and the Omaha Symphony Orchestra (1975–84). From 1984 to 1986 he was permanent guest conductor of the symphony orchestra and conductor of the Radio Orchestra of Stavanger, from 1988 director general of the Orchestra Sinfonica di Umbria and the Symfonia Perusiana in Perugia. From 1988 to 1994 he was artistic director of the Orchestra Stabile di Bergasmo and from 1994 to 1996 chief conductor of the RIAS youth orchestra .

In addition to choral, vocal and chamber music, Briccetti also composed instrumental concerts (including a violin and a cello concerto), symphonic music (including two symphonies and a symphonic suite nominated for a Pulitzer Prize ) and three operas ( Euridice , 1991; Odysseus Returns , 1997; The Contract , 1998).
