Thomas Jeier

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Thomas Jeier (born April 24, 1947 in Minden ) is a German writer who is best known for his novels , books for young people and travel reports .


Jeier grew up in Frankfurt am Main . As a schoolboy he wrote magazine articles and dime novels . After completing his apprenticeship as a bookseller , he worked as an editor at Kauka Verlag from 1969 . From 1972 he worked as a freelance writer and also as an editor in a publishing house. One of his first works, The Great Alaska Gold Rush , was awarded the renowned Friedrich Gerstäcker Prize in 1974.

On many trips he acquired excellent knowledge of the USA and the Indian peoples there . A good part of his mostly historical novels for young people are set on the North American continent and deal with the life of the Indians. He also published numerous travel reports, often together with the photographer Christian Heeb. From 2002 he wrote under the pseudonym "Christopher Ross" adventure novels for adults, which are also set in North America. In 2004, his novel They had a dream was nominated for the German Youth Literature Prize.

Jeier has also made a name for himself in the German country music scene. For 20 years he hosted the radio show Country Club on Bayerischer Rundfunk . He also wrote several specialist books on this genre. He is one of the few Germans who have direct contact with the Nashville scene. The American CMA , the most important interest group for country music, honored him with an international award for his services .

Jeier published a total of over 100 novels and non-fiction books. His works have been translated into several languages ​​and have received several awards.

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