Thomas Kling Poetics Lecturer

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The Thomas Kling Poetics Lecturer is a special form of literature and author funding by the Kunststiftung NRW and the Institute for German Studies, Comparative Literature and Cultural Studies at the University of Bonn .


Poster for Esther Kinsky’s inaugural lecture

The Thomas Kling Poetics Lecturer was launched in 2011 at the Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität in Bonn . It brings literature and science into contact by initiating direct discussions between students, scientists and authors. The poetics lecturer is integrated into the regular teaching program of the institute for two semesters at a time. The poetry lectureship is dedicated to the poet and essayist Thomas Kling (* 1957), who died in 2005 , whose linguistic research skills set the standard for this poetic teaching position.

Poetics lecturers

2011: Stefan Weidner

Events: In the summer semester "Caution, risk of infection! Publicly dangerous translations" and in the winter semester "The First World War and the emergence of literary modernism. Attempt to translate John Dos Passos '" One Man's Initiation "". The inaugural lecture took place on April 11, 2011 in the ballroom of the University of Bonn.

The laudation by Sabine Mainberger (Professor of Comparative Literature) was read out by Jürgen Fohrmann (Professor of Comparative Literature).

2012: Barbara Köhler

Events: In the summer semester "Update & Undo: Zur Odyssey" and in the winter semester "Update & Undo: Zur Odyssey II". The ceremonial inaugural lecture took place on April 19, 2012 in the ballroom of the University of Bonn and was entitled "Journey to the center of the speech". The laudation was given by Kerstin Stüssel (Professor of Comparative Literature).

2013: Oswald Egger

Events: In the summer semester "Vom poetischen Do" and in the winter semester "Vom poetischen Do II". The inaugural lecture took place on April 17, 2013 in the ballroom of the University of Bonn. The laudation was given by Thomas Fechner-Smarsly (private lecturer for Scandinavian languages ​​and literatures).

2014: Norbert Scheuer

Events: "Norbert Scheuer's Novels" in the summer semester and "Creative Writing" in the winter semester. The celebratory inaugural lecture entitled "From Desire to Writing" took place on May 5, 2014 in the Bonn University Forum. The laudation was given by Thomas Fechner-Smarsly (private lecturer for Scandinavian languages ​​and literatures).

2015: Marion Poschmann

Events: In the summer semester "Poetic Taxonomy I: Flora utopica. Text detail and world design" and in the winter semester "Poetic Taxonomy II: Fungi imperfecti - imperfect mushrooms". The ceremonial inaugural lecture entitled "Art of Discrimination. Poetic Taxonomy." took place on April 13, 2015 in the Bonn University Forum. The laudation was given by Kerstin Stüssel (Professor of Comparative Literature).

2016: Esther Kinsky

Events: In the summer semester "On Renaming the World". The inaugural lecture with the title "Irrgast. Detours to rename the world." took place on April 28, 2016 in the University Forum Bonn. The laudation was given by Sabine Mainberger, a professor of comparative literature.

2017: Christoph Peters

Events: In the summer semester "Every word counts - a story workshop". The celebratory inaugural lecture entitled "From the campfire to the commercial - what we talk about" took place on May 2nd, 2017. The laudation was given by Thomas Fechner-Smarsly (private lecturer for Scandinavian languages ​​and literatures).

2018: Anja Utler


Speak of language. The Thomas Kling Poetics Lecturer

Speak of language.

“What does a writer do at a university?” Asks the second owner of the poetics lectureship, Barbara Köhler, in her inaugural lecture, and gives an answer: “She creates writing, creates it, creates here: a present.”

The poetics lectureship enables “to build bridges between science and art as well as the opportunity for students to experience freedom in times of increasingly narrowing academic structures and to deal with the aesthetic theory and practice of a living author in direct contact as part of their studies To gain knowledge of the so-called "literary business", to be able to gain experience with their own literary creativity and, in the happiest case, perhaps to be stimulated into literary production ", says Jürgen Fohrmann .

This volume introduces the first three poetics lecturers and lets them have their say in the written form of their inaugural lectures: the translator and Arabist Stefan Weidner , the author and text artist Barbara Köhler and the author Oswald Egger , successor to Thomas Klings at the Hombroich rocket station .

It is supplemented u. a. with a foreword by Jürgen Fohrmann , laudations by Sabine Mainberger , Thomas Fechner-Smarsly and Kerstin Stüssel and a poem by Götz Gericke, Stefanie Kunkel and Anne Christina Scheuss.

Düsseldorf, Lilienfeld Verlag 2014.

For routing coding. Manhattan writing scene.

For routing coding. Manhattan writing scene

Edited by Kerstin Stüssel and Gabriele Wix.

Unpublished working material as facsimile and transcription of two central poems in the work of Thomas Kling .

Thomas Kling (1957–2005) spent some time in Manhattan in 1995. During this time the poem "Manhattan Mundraum" was written, which introduces the volume of poems "morsch". The poem »Manhattan Mundraum Zwei«, which is the prelude to the volume of poetry »Sondagen« (2002), is a poetic reaction to the events on September 11, 2001. In the estate of Thomas Kling at the Hombroich rocket station , documents have been found that describe the working method of the poet and the genesis of both poems. They are part of the richly illustrated volume »Thomas Kling. Edited by Kerstin Stüssel and Gabriele Wix. On the routing code «now facsimile. The two editors approach the poet Kling in one essay each. Göttingen, Wallstein Verlag 2013.

Thomas Kling. Double exposure. Exhibition catalog

Edited by Gabriele Wix and Kerstin Stüssel

The poet and essayist Thomas Kling , who died in 2005 at the age of 47, has had a major impact on German-language literature since the 1980s. He countered the view of the self in the literature of the 1970s, the so-called new inwardness, with an orientation towards reality and its media constitution. This includes the language in its historical layers and its broad spectrum from technical language to colloquial use; The visual media play a decisive role here.

The exhibition in the art and museum library starts at the interface between image and word and the friction effects of these media in Klings' writing, when it traces the material traces of the poet's intensive engagement with the visual arts.

Published in the series of publications of the Cologne Art and Museum Library, Vol. 5, Cologne 2017. ISBN 978-3-942898-04-1 .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Institute for German Studies at the University of Bonn: Thomas Kling Poetics lecturer. University of Bonn, June 6, 2016, accessed on June 6, 2016 .
  2. Caution, risk of infection. Electronic course catalog Uni Bonn, accessed on August 1, 2016 .
  3. ^ The First World War and the emergence of literary modernism. Attempt to translate John Dos Passos' "One Man's Initiation". Electronic course catalog Uni Bonn, accessed on August 1, 2016 .
  4. ^ Uni Bonn TV: Inaugural lecture by Stefan Weidner. University of Bonn, April 11, 2011, accessed on June 8, 2016 (German).
  5. Update & Undo: To the Odyssey. Electronic course catalog Uni Bonn, accessed on August 1, 2016 .
  6. Update & Undo: On the Odyssey II. Electronic course catalog of the University of Bonn, accessed on August 1, 2016 .
  7. ^ Uni Bonn TV: Inaugural lecture by Barbara Köhler. University of Bonn, April 19, 2012, accessed on June 16, 2016 .
  8. Vom poetic doing. Electronic course catalog Uni Bonn, accessed on August 1, 2016 .
  9. Vom poetic doing II. Electronic course catalog Uni Bonn, accessed on August 1, 2016 .
  10. Norbert Scheuer's novels. Electronic course catalog of the University of Bonn, accessed on August 1, 2016 .
  11. Creative writing. Electronic course catalog Uni Bonn, accessed on August 1, 2016 .
  12. ^ Uni Bonn TV: Inaugural lecture by Norbert Scheuer. University of Bonn, May 5, 2014, accessed on June 16, 2016 .
  13. Poetic Taxonomy I: Flora utopica. Text detail and world outline. Electronic course catalog of the University of Bonn, accessed on August 1, 2016 .
  14. Poetic Taxonomy II: Fungi imperfecti - imperfect mushrooms. Electronic course catalog of the University of Bonn, accessed on August 1, 2016 .
  15. ^ Uni Bonn TV: Inaugural lecture by Marion Poschmann. University of Bonn, April 13, 2015, accessed on June 16, 2016 .
  16. On renaming the world. Electronic course catalog of the University of Bonn, accessed on August 1, 2016 .
  17. ^ Uni Bonn TV: Inaugural lecture by Esther Kinsky. University of Bonn, April 28, 2016, accessed on June 29, 2016 .
  18. - Seminar: Every word counts - A story workshop BASIS - Course directory and exam registration for the University of Bonn. Retrieved July 27, 2017 .
  19. Thomas-Kling-Poetikdozentur 2017: Christoph Peters. June 5, 2017. Retrieved July 27, 2017 .
  20. Kerstin Stüssel and Gabriele Wix (eds.): Zur Leitcodierung. Manhattan writing scene. . Wallstein Verlag, 2013.