Thomas Marwein

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Thomas Marwein (2013)

Thomas Marwein (born June 10, 1958 in Rastatt ) is a German politician from Alliance 90 / The Greens . He has been a member of the Baden-Württemberg state parliament since 2011 .

education and profession

After primary school in Achern and Binzen and the Theodor-Heuss-Realschule in Lörrach, Thomas Marwein completed an apprenticeship as a surveying technician at the state surveying office in Lörrach. He then studied civil engineering at the Karlsruhe University of Applied Sciences with a degree in engineering. From 1984 he worked in the Offenburg Office for Water Management and from 2005 in the Office for Water Management and Soil Protection of the Ortenau district .

Political activity

He has been a member of the Bündnis 90 / Die Grünen party since 1984. He was a member of the district council of the Karlsruhe district in 1984 , and later from 1997 to 2011 of the Offenburg council . From 1989 to 2004 he had a seat in the district council of the Ortenaukreis. In the state elections in Baden-Württemberg in 2011 , he was elected for the Offenburg state electoral district with 26.5% of the votes (second mandate). In the subsequent state election in 2016 , he won the direct mandate with 33.7% of the vote.

Marwein is noise policy spokesman for the Greens parliamentary group. He is a member of the transport and science committee of the Baden-Württemberg state parliament. In September 2016, Thomas Marwein was appointed noise protection officer of the Baden-Württemberg state government.

Family and private

Thomas Marwein is married. He is Protestant and has three children.

Web links

Commons : Thomas Marwein  - Collection of images, videos and audio files