Thomas Meurer

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Thomas Meurer (born September 23, 1966 in Weidenau ; † August 22, 2010 in Drensteinfurt-Rinkerode ) was a German theologian and non-fiction author . Meurer taught as a grammar school teacher, was a lecturer at various universities and a full professor for religious education at the Karlsruhe University of Education .


Meurer grew up in Olpe and graduated from high school in 1986 at the St. Franziskus Gymnasium there. He then studied Catholic theology, philosophy , German and oriental archeology in Paderborn and Münster . In 1993 he passed his university examination in Catholic theology. In 1994, the first state examination for teaching at secondary level I and II in German and Catholic religious studies followed. From 1994 to 1999 he was a research assistant, then until 2004 assistant at the seminar for exegesis of the Old Testament at the Westphalian Wilhelms University in Münster. In 2000, he was on "composition and origin, narrative technique and theology of judges from 13 to 16" to Dr. theol. PhD.

Since 1993 Meurer has been involved in adult education and counseling, especially in grief work. At the same time he began his work as a trainer for employees of the child and youth telephone of the German Child Protection Association . From 1998 to 2001 he was a member of the editorial board of the magazine “Glaubleben” published by Butzon & Bercker, and since 2008 he has been on the scientific advisory board of the magazine rhs (religious instruction in secondary schools) of Patmos-Verlag, Düsseldorf.

After working as a lecturer for “Old Testament Biblical Studies and its Didactics” at the Philosophical-Theological University of the Capuchins in Münster and a teacher for German and Catholic religion at a grammar school, Meurer was full professor for religious education at the PH Karlsruhe from the winter semester 2008. In 2002, Thomas Meurer for "Best Sermon" to the ecumenical been preaching Price of publishing for the German economy excellent.

He died on August 22, 2010 of complications from cancer.


  • Farewell, sadness, new beginning. Experiences with death and grief. Accompaniment on the path of mourning (traces of life) ; together with: Ida Lamp, Kevelaer / Butzon and Bercker, Aachen / Einhard-Verlag, 1997, ISBN 3-7666-0084-2 (Butzon and Bercker) / ISBN 3-930701-27-8 (Einhard)
  • Introduction to the methods of Old Testament exegesis , Münster introductions: Theological workbooks, Vol. 3, Lit, Münster, Hamburg, London, 1999, ISBN 3-8258-4408-0
  • Told about the “Ten Commandments” to children , Butzon and Bercker, Kevelaer, 2000, ISBN 3-7666-0271-3
  • The Simson narratives / studies on composition and origin, narrative technique and theology from Ri 13-16 , modified dissertation v. 1999/2000, Philo, Berlin, Vienna, 2001, ISBN 3-8257-0238-3
  • Bible. The 100 most important dates and terms ; together with: Esther Brünenberg, Gütersloh 2003, ISBN 3-579-01388-2
  • In the middle of the night: where Christmas begins , Schwabenverlag, Ostfildern, 2005, ISBN 3-7966-1232-6
  • What binds us together, you and me: for couples , Schwabenverlag, Ostfildern, 2005, ISBN 3-7966-1196-6
  • Close enough to touch . Flashes of faith in everyday life, Verlag Katholisches Bibelwerk, Stuttgart, 2007, ISBN 978-3-460-30012-5
  • Transfusions - A Spiritual Reading Book , Edition Die Niche, Wadersloh, 2009, ISBN 978-3-9812932-0-3
  • From the discipline of hope - encouragement to a demanding life , Edition Die Niche, Wadersloh, 2009, ISBN 978-3-9812932-1-0
  • Friendly takeover? On the disappearance of the concept of religion , Grünewald-Verlag, Ostfildern 2009, ISBN 978-3-7867-2782-8

Web links


  1. See Do not smooth, but experience. Thomas Meurer trains grief counselors ( Memento from January 16, 2005 in the Internet Archive )
  2. A friend of domradio's. Theologian Thomas Meurer has passed away. Obituary of Domradios . In: August 26, 2010, accessed August 23, 2019 .