Thomas Nussbaumer

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Thomas Nußbaumer (born September 8, 1966 in Hall in Tirol ) is an Austrian musicologist specializing in folk music research / ethnomusicology .


After studying at the university in Innsbruck (studying musicology and German at the Leopold-Franzens University Innsbruck , 1986–1992), initially contracted employment at the Tyrolean Folk Song Archive (1992–1995). Nussbaumer also worked as a freelance culture journalist.

Since June 1, 1995, Nussbaumer has been a research assistant at the Innsbruck headquarters of the Mozarteum University in Salzburg, Department of Musicology, Department of Musical Folklore. Since 2000 he has been head of musical folklore at the Mozarteum, and since 2010 (since his habilitation at the University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna) he has been a university lecturer in folk music research. He is also a lecturer at various schools in Germany , including the Swabian Farmer School in Bad Waldsee . His research and publication focuses are music and custom, carnival , folk music and National Socialism, folk music transmission in the Alpine region, especially in western Austria and South Tyrol . He undertook numerous field research in western Austria and South Tyrol and most recently with the Old Order Amish in Kalona , Iowa (USA).

In November 2004 Nussbaumer received the Walter Deutsch Prize established by the Federal Ministry of Science and Research of the Republic of Austria in recognition of special achievements in the field of folk music research. On November 16, 2012 he received for his research on Carnival in Tyrol and South Tyrol, in particular for his book “Carnival in North Tyrol and South Tyrol. From Schellern, Mullern, Wudelen, Wampelern and their conspecifics ”(Innsbruck: Löwenzahn, 2010), the“ Research Prize of the Swabian-Alemannic Carnival ”, which is awarded biennially by the“ Cultural Foundation of the Swabian-Alemannic Carnival ”.

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