Thomas Okelo-Odongo

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Thomas "Tom" Okelo-Odongo (* 1927 ; † September 20, 1991 in Kenya ) was a Kenyan politician who was Secretary General of the AKP group between 1979 and 1984 .


Okelo-Odongo, who belonged to the Luo ethnic group , graduated from Howard University , graduating in 1958 with a Master of Arts (MA) with a thesis entitled The Impact of European Culture on the Luo of Kenya . As a member of the Kenya African National Union (KANU) he was elected member of the National Assembly in the 1963 elections and represented the constituency of Kisumu Rural Constituency in this until the elections on December 6, 1969 . At the same time, until his resignation on April 16, 1966, he was Parliamentary Secretary of the Ministry of Finance and Vice Minister of Finance (Assistant Minister for Finance) and as such, alongside the Minister for Economic Planning and Development Tom Mboya, was one of the leading economic experts at the Government. In March 1966 he left the KANU with some left-wing politicians such as Oginga Odinga , Bildad Kaggia and Achieng Oneko and founded the Kenya People's Union (KPU), which was considered "subversive" on October 30, 1969 before the elections by then President Jomo Kenyatta was banned. On August 22, 1966, his US- born wife, Carolyn Kaye Jackson, was arrested and imprisoned for alleged opposition work . Neither her husband nor her twin sister Marilyn Jackson, who was the secretary of the then US ambassador to Greece, was allowed to visit her within more than a year. He himself was also temporarily arrested after the KPU was banned in 1969.

After his rehabilitation, he was appointed Chairman of the State Reinsurance Corporation on January 28, 1971 by the Minister of Finance and Economic Planning Mwai Kibaki . In addition, he was appointed on October 8, 1971 by Labor Minister Ngala Mwendwa as a member and Vice President of the Labor Court (Industrial Court) and confirmed as such on January 25, 1975 by Labor Minister James Nyamweya . He then served as Kenyan representative between 1976 and 1979 as director of the African Development Bank .

Okelo-Odongo was elected in May 1979 as the successor to Tiéoulé Konaté, who came from Mali , as Secretary General of the Group of African, Caribbean and Pacific States ( ACP Group ), an international organization currently comprising 79 countries in Africa , the Caribbean and the Pacific that were mostly former colonies of France and Great Britain . He held this position until 1984 and was then replaced by Edwin W. Carrington from Trinidad and Tobago . He was later a member of the City Commissioner of Nairobi , before this appointment was revoked on August 14, 1991 by the then Minister for Local Government William Ole Ntimama .

Individual evidence

  1. The Kenya Gazette, October 30, 1992, p. 1432
  2. David D. Laitin: Politics, Language, and Thought: The Somali Experience , p 166, University of Chicago Press, 1977, ISBN 0-2264-6791-0
  3. ^ Eugene C. Burt: An Annotated Bibliography of the Visual Arts of East Africa , p. 129, Indiana University Press, 1980, ISBN 0-2531-7225-X
  4. The Kenya Gazette, July 5, 1966, p. 755
  5. The Kenya Gazette, April 26, 1966, p. 422
  6. John O. Oucho: Undercurrents of Ethnic Conflicts in Kenya , S. 65, BRILL, 2002, ISBN 9-0041-2459-4
  7. ^ Charles Hornsby: Kenya: A History Since Independence , p. 147 u. a., IB Tauris, 2013, ISBN 1-7807-6501-0
  8. David Goldsworthy: Tom Mboya: The Man Kenya Wanted to Forget , p. 232 u. a., East African Publishers, 1982, ISBN 9-9664-6367-4
  9. ^ The incident that turned Kenya into One-Party-State (africanewsonline, October 25, 2009)
  10. Jet, October 27, 1967, p. 5
  11. Wanyiri Kihoro: The price of freedom: the story of political resistance in Kenya , S. 151, MvuleAfrica Publishers, 2005, ISBN 9-9667-6906-4
  12. Mboya sought help from nemesis Jaramogi days before his murder . In: Daily Nation, July 5, 2013
  13. The Kenya Gazette, February 5, 1971, p. 98
  14. Kenya National Assembly Official Record (Hansard) Feb. 23 - Apr. 2, 1971 , p. 1434
  15. The Kenya Gazette, October 8, 1971, p. 1002
  16. The Kenya Gazette, Jan. 24, 1975, p. 71
  17. Kwame Donkoh Fordwor: The African Development Bank: Problems of International Cooperation , S. 278 u. a., Elsevier, 2016, ISBN 1-4831-8982-1
  18. ^ Marjorie Lister: The European Community and the developing world: the role of the Lomé Convention , p. 177, Avebury, 1988, ISBN 0-5660-5609-7
  19. ^ African, Caribbean and Pacific Group of States: Secretaries-general (
  20. The Kenya Gazette , Aug. 30, 1991, p. 1315