Tiéoulé Konaté

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Tiéoulé Mamadou Konaté (born February 21, 1933 in Bamako , French Sudan , today: Mali ; † October 27, 1995 (car accident) between Markala and Niono , Ségou region , Mali) was a Malian politician of the Sudanese Union - African Democratic Collection ( US-RDA), who, among other things, was the first general secretary of the AKP group between 1976 and 1979 and was a presidential candidate in 1992.


Konaté was the son of Mamadou Konaté , who together with Modibo Keïta had founded the Sudanese Union (Union Soudanaise) and was a member of the French National Assembly between 1946 and his death on May 11, 1956 . During the tenure of President Moussa Traoré, he was Minister of Finance between 1973 and 1975. In 1976 he became the first general secretary of the Group of African, Caribbean and Pacific States ( ACP Group ), an international organization currently comprising 79 countries in Africa , the Caribbean and the Pacific , most of which were former colonies of France and Great Britain . He held this position until he was voted out in May 1980 and was then replaced by Thomas Okelo-Odongo from Kenya . Later he was director of technical cooperation and training at the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade GATT.

In the presidential elections on April 12, 1992 Konaté ran for the Sudanese Union - African Democratic Collection US-RDA (Union Soudanaise - Rassemblement Démocratique Africain) and reached the runoff election with 14.51 percent as the second best of nine candidates. In the runoff election on April 26, 1992, he received 30.99 percent and was clearly defeated by Alpha Oumar Konaré from the Alliance for Democracy in Mali ADEMA (Alliance pour la démocratie au Mali) . After the election, on May 11, 1992, he founded the Front for Securing Democracy FSD (Front Sauvegarde de la Démocratie), consisting of 13 parties, as a common opposition to Konarés ADEMA, which he and Almamy Sylla from the RDP ( Rassemblement pour la démocratie et le progrès) .

Due to differences of opinion about the increasingly Marxist orientation of the US-RDA, Konaté resigned in 1993 and founded the bloc for democracy and integration of Africa BDIA (Bloc pour la Démocratie et l'Intégration Africaine - Fasso Jiggi) . He was killed in a car accident on October 27, 1995 between Markala and Niono in the Ségou region in southwest Mali.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ A b Aiden Baker: Mali Political Leadership and Democratic Governance , Lulu Press, Inc, 2017, ISBN 1-3657-2016-0 .
  2. ^ Mamadou Konaté on the homepage of the French National Assembly
  3. ^ Marjorie Lister: The European Community and the developing world: the role of the Lomé Convention , p. 177, Avebury, 1988, ISBN 0-5660-5609-7 .
  4. ^ African, Caribbean and Pacific Group of States: Secretaries-general (rulers.org)
  5. Jean Maurice Djossou: L'Afrique, le GATT et l'OMC: entre territoires douaniers et régions commerciales , S. XVII, Presses Université Laval, 2000, ISBN 2-7384-9070-0 .
  6. ^ John A. Wiseman (editor): Democracy and Political Change in Sub-Saharan Africa , pp. 61, 63, Routledge, 2002, ISBN 1-1348-2989-2 .
  7. ^ Susanna D. Wing: Constructing Democracy in Transitioning Societies of Africa: Constitutionalism and Deliberation in Mali , p. 87, Springer, 2008, ISBN 0-2306-1207-5 .
  8. ^ Mamoudou Gazibo (editor): Partis politiques d'Afrique: retours sur un objet délaissé , p. 65, KARTHALA Editions, 2006, ISBN 2-8458-6861-8 .
  9. René Otayek (Editor): Afrique: les identités contre la démocratie? , P. 124, IRD Editions, 1999, ISBN 2-8767-8483-1 .
  10. ^ Institut für Afrika-Kunde (editor): Afrika Jahrbuch 1992: Politics, Economy and Society in Africa south of the Sahara , p. 121, Springer-Verlag, 2013, ISBN 3-3229-1417-8 .
  11. ^ Institute for African Studies, Rolf Hofmeier (editor): Afrika Jahrbuch 1995: Politics, Economy and Society in Africa south of the Sahara , p. 132, Springer-Verlag, 2013, ISBN 3-3229-1407-0 .