Thor Garson

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Thor Garson is an adventure novel series by Wolfgang Hohlbein that has been published in four parts since 2007 . All novels are set around 1935. The main character is the eponym of the series Thor Garson . Garson is an American reporter who was born in the German Empire and is a hobby archaeologist . However, the novels are not new creations, but rather a slightly modified new edition of the four Indiana Jones novels, The Feathered Snake , The Ship of the Gods , The Gold of El Dorado and The Secret of Easter Island , written by Hohlbein between 1990 and 1992 .

The demon god

In the South American rainforest, Thor Garson is entrusted with a golden amulet by his fatally wounded friend. The pendant shows the Maya god Quetzalcoatl . In the course of his adventure, Garson meets Joana, the daughter of his deceased friend, and they both travel to the rainforest to find out the secret of the trailer. They are pursued by shady characters such as Mayan warriors or occult madmen. Garson soon learns that the snake god can be resurrected by means of the pendant. When Garson finally loses the amulet to his treacherous friend José, who is an occult Mayan priest, the god is brought back to life and destroys the priest and his Mayan warriors.

The death ship

A ship's crew receives distress calls from a mysterious iceberg in the Arctic Ocean . On the iceberg they find an apparently insane German scientist who, dressed like a Viking , attacks the rescue team of the ship and kills two crew members. Back in the USA, the captain reports on the incident, whereupon a reconnaissance team consisting of Danish scientists, German SS officers and Thor Garson, among others, is sent to the iceberg. The team set out in a war zeppelin to explore the iceberg. On board, the team members find out the real reason for their expedition: an ancient Viking dragon boat was discovered inside the iceberg . The closer you get to the iceberg, called "Odinsland", the more the potential for aggression grows with everyone on board. But the company is sabotaged and the zeppelin is shot down by a German submarine over the iceberg . The survivors are captured by the Nazis and Thor Garson is forced to investigate the ship's secret. Garson quickly realizes that the ship is Naglfar . On board the ship is Mjöllnir , Thor's hammer . To keep the hammer out of the hands of the Nazis, Garson destroys the iceberg and the ship moves on. The survivors are brought back to the United States on board the German submarine.

The curse of gold

By accident, Thor Garson gets hold of some pieces of pure gold jewelry and a South American gang boss is after him. Allegedly, the gold comes from the legendary El Dorado . Thor Garson sets off to Bolivia to uncover the secret. He has to assert himself against the locals and the thugs of the gang boss. Eventually Garson discovers a crater in the center of which everything seems to be made of gold. But it quickly turns out that this gold is radioactively contaminated. Garson escapes the radiation trap just in time, but his enemies and companions die in the crater.

The crystal of death

Thor Garson sets out to lead an expedition to Easter Island . But the research trip ends after an attack by the Nazis on the research ship in front of a mysterious island in the middle of Polynesia . On this island overgrown by the jungle lives a people who worships a god who, in the form of a red crystal, can be used as a deadly weapon. Thor Garson manages to get the crystal and sink it on the sea floor. The island is destroyed by the Nazi warship.

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