Thumma Bala

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Archbishop Thumma Bala (2014)

Thumma Bala (born April 24, 1944 in Narimetta ) is Archbishop of Hyderabad .


Thumma Bala was ordained a priest on December 21, 1970 . Pope John Paul II appointed him Bishop of Warangal on November 17, 1986 .

The Archbishop of Hyderabad, Saminini Arulappa , donated him episcopal ordination on March 12 of the next year ; Co- consecrators were Alphonsus Beretta PIME , Former Bishop of Warangal, and Joseph S. Thumma , Bishop of Vijayawada .

He was named Archbishop of Hyderabad on March 12, 2011, and was introduced to the office on May 5 of the same year.

Web links

Commons : Thumma Bala  - collection of images, videos and audio files
predecessor Office successor
Alphonsus Beretta PIME Bishop of Warangal
Udumala Bala Showreddy
Marampudi Joji Archbishop of Hyderabad
since 2011