Udumala Bala Showreddy

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Udumala Bala Showreddy (born June 18, 1954 in Ghanpur , Andhra Pradesh , India ) is Bishop of Warangal .


Udumala Bala Showreddy studied at the Osmania University in Hyderabad and received on 20 February 1979, the sacrament of Holy Orders . At the Alphonsian Academy in Rome , he was 1,994 in moral theology to Dr. theol. PhD . Since then, he was a professor of moral theology at the regional seminar in Hyderabad, the rain , he was the 1997th

In 2006 Udumala Bala Showreddy moved to Bangalore as Deputy General Secretary of the Indian Bishops' Conference .

On April 13, 2013, Pope Francis appointed him Bishop of Warangal. The Archbishop of Bombay , Oswald Cardinal Gracias , donated him episcopal ordination on May 23 of the same year ; Co- consecrators were the Apostolic Nuncio in India, Archbishop Salvatore Pennacchio , and the Archbishop of Hyderabad , Thumma Bala .

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predecessor Office successor
Thumma Bala Bishop of Warangal
since 2013