Tiberios Petasius

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Solidus of Tiberios Petasius (assignment uncertain)

Tiberios Petasius († 730) was a Byzantine counter-emperor in Italy.


In the course of Emperor Leo III. Serious unrest is said to have occurred in Italy as well, allegedly triggered by 726 iconoclasm . Tiberios rose in Tuscany around 729 and proclaimed himself a basileus . Apparently he managed to establish himself briefly in central Italy. With the support of Pope Gregory II , however, he was captured and executed by the exarch Eutychios in Monterano in 730 . His head was sent to Constantinople as a trophy .

The nickname Petasius refers to the headgear Petasos , possibly an allusion to the imperial crown.

Whether the uprising is related to an anti-iconoclastic reaction against Leo, as the surviving sources suggest (most of the surviving Latin and Greek sources are almost exclusively written from an image-friendly perspective) cannot be clearly established. In recent research, the effects of the iconoclasm in the time of Leo III. and his son Constantine V viewed in a much more differentiated manner. So it is uncertain that Leo initiated a widespread persecution of picture friends and this allegedly met with stiff resistance.




  1. Leslie Brubaker, John F. Haldon: Byzantium in the Iconoclast era is now fundamental . c. 680-850. A history. Cambridge et al. 2011.
  2. On source criticism and recent research cf. especially Leslie Brubaker, John F. Haldon: Byzantium in the Iconoclast era. c. 680-850. A history. Cambridge et al. 2011, here p. 79ff.