Tilo Maedler

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Brigadier General Tilo Maedler (2019)

Tilo Maedler (born May 29, 1966 in Bad Neustadt ) is a Brigadier General in the German Air Force and has been Head of the Armed Forces III Division in the Federal Ministry of Defense in Berlin since October 1, 2018 .

Military career

Training and first uses

Tilo Maedler joined the German Armed Forces on July 1, 1984 as an officer candidate with the Air Force Training Regiment 3 in Roth . This was followed by the officer training course at the Air Force Officer School in Fürstenfeldbruck and, from 1985 to 1988, the technical college degree in mechanical engineering with a focus on aerospace technology at the University of the Bundeswehr in Munich . Afterwards Maedler was initially employed as a lecture hall manager at the Air Force NCO School in Appen. He was then trained as an anti-aircraft missile officer at the PATRIOT weapon system in El Paso / Texas and deployed in anti-aircraft missile group 25 in Delmenhorst. This was followed by a first ministerial assignment as a personnel manager in the Federal Ministry of Defense in Bonn . From 1997 to 1999 the general staff training followed at the command academy of the Bundeswehr in Hamburg.

Service as a staff officer

From 1999 to 2001 Maedler was employed as General Staff Officer of the Chief of Staff Command Staff of the Armed Forces in the Federal Ministry of Defense in Bonn, before he switched to an integrated position in the RHQ AFNORTH in Brunssum / Netherlands from 2001 to 2004. From 2004 to 2007 he was again employed as a consultant and personnel manager in the Federal Ministry of Defense in Bonn . It followed from 2007 to 2011 troop leadership assignments, first as commander of anti-aircraft missile group 26 and then as Commodore anti-aircraft missile squadron 1 in Husum ; During this time he was Deputy Chief of Staff Operations in Regional Command NORTH in Mazar-e-Sharif in Afghanistan in 2009 . Staff assignments followed in the Air Force Command in Cologne and in the Federal Office for Personnel Management of the Bundeswehr in Cologne. Maedler has been employed in the Federal Ministry of Defense in Berlin since 2014. Initially, he was Head of Division in the Armed Forces Management Department and from 2016 to 2018 Head of Human Resources in the Office of the Inspector General of the Bundeswehr . In this role he served Generals Volker Wieker and Eberhard Zorn .

Service as a general

On October 1, 2018, he took over the position of Head of Department Armed Forces III in the Federal Ministry of Defense in Berlin from General Doctor Bernhard Groß .


  • ISAF , 2009 Deputy Chief of Staff (DCOS) Operations Regional Command (RC) NORTH Mazar-e-Sharif / Afghanistan,


Tilo Maedler is married and has two children.

Individual evidence

  1. Personnel changes in top military and civilian positions - October 2018. In: http://www.personal.bundeswehr.de . Press and Information Office of the Federal Ministry of Defense, October 12, 2018, accessed on October 16, 2018 .