Timor pigeon

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Timor pigeon
Barred Dove (8333065982) .jpg

Timor pigeon ( Geopelia maugei )

Class : Birds (aves)
Order : Pigeon birds (Columbiformes)
Family : Pigeons (Columbidae)
Genre : Indo-Australian pigeons ( Geopelia )
Type : Timor pigeon
Scientific name
Geopelia maugei
( Temminck , 1809)

The Timor or zebra pigeon ( Geopelia maugei ) is a pigeon from the genus Geopelia . Since it has a large distribution area over Flores , the Kei Islands , Sumbawa , Sumba , Timor , the Tanimbar Islands and other small islands, the population is considered to be less endangered. The Timor pigeon can be found in dry, open areas with bushes.

In German usage, the name “zebra pigeon” is often used to denote the sparrow pigeon , which belongs to the same genus as the Timor pigeon.


At 232–258 mm (males) and 210–233 mm (females), the Timor pigeon is somewhat larger than the similarly large sparrow dove ( Geopelia striata ). Males and females both have black and white stripes throughout, like the peace dove ( Geopelia placida ). In the Timor Pigeon, however, they are pronounced further down to the belly and are not interrupted in the middle of the neck and chest, as is the case with the Sparrow Dove. A striking feature is the strong yellow orbital ring.

See also


  • Morten Strange: A Photographic Guide to the Birds of Indonesia. Christopher Helm, London 2001, ISBN 0-7136-6404-5

Web links


Individual evidence

  1. a b Diamond Dove Info
  2. Association for the conservation of ornamental / wild fowl e. V - Timor pigeon ( Memento from March 5, 2009 in the Internet Archive )