Tingis cardui

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Tingis cardui
Thistle net bug (Tingis cardui)

Thistle net bug ( Tingis cardui )

Subordination : Bed bugs (heteroptera)
Family : Net bugs (Tingidae)
Subfamily : Tinginae
Genre : Tingis
Type : Tingis cardui
Scientific name
Tingis cardui
( Linnaeus , 1758)

Tingis cardui , the thistle net bug , is a bug from the family of net bugs (Tingidae).


The bugs are 3.7 to 4.2 millimeters long. Species of the genus Tingis are gray-brown in color and coated with white, powdery wax excretions. The fourth part of the antennae is wider than the third and there are three small appendages on the head between the eyes. They are always fully winged (macropter). Tingis cardui can be distinguished from the other species of the genus by its black antennae, the two to three rows of cells on the network at the edge of the pronotum and along the edge of the hemielytras . The two processes behind the eyes are very short and do not extend beyond the three processes further in front.

distribution and habitat

The species is widespread in almost all of Europe and is only absent in the far north. It is also distributed in North Africa and east across Asia Minor and the Middle East, as well as southern Russia and the Caucasus to Siberia and northern China. It is widespread in Central Europe and is the most common type of its genus here. It rises in the Alps to just under 2000 meters above sea level. In the UK, the species is widespread and common.

Way of life

The animals live on thistles ( Cirsium ), particularly on Common thistle ( Cirsium vulgare ), but also of marsh thistle ( Cirsium palustre ) and less frequently in other thistle species like Nodding thistle ( Carduus nutans ), Krauser ring thistle ( Carduus crispus ) and displacement Thistle ( Carduus acanthoides ). They are absent on the other species known as thistles . The overwintering takes place as an imago in the litter or under loose bark. The bugs appear in April or May and sit on the basal leaves of their food plants. Sometimes they also perform dispersion flights to colonize new plants. Mating and oviposition lasts until July. The females drill their eggs individually on both sides of the leaves into the tissue of the food plants. The nymphs appear from June and can be found until September. Older nymphs are often found between the spines on or near the outside of the flower heads. The adult animals of the new generation appear from late July or early August. You are looking for suitable winter quarters and sometimes also cover longer distances.

supporting documents

Individual evidence

  1. a b c Wachmann: Wanzen , Vol. 1, p. 150
  2. a b Tingis cardui. British Bugs, accessed June 22, 2014 .


  • Ekkehard Wachmann , Albert Melber, Jürgen Deckert: Bugs. Volume 1: Cimicomorpha: Dipsocoromorpha, Nepomorpha, Gerromorpha, Leptopodomorpha, Cimicomorpha (part 1) (=  The animal world of Germany and the adjacent sea parts according to their characteristics and according to their way of life . 77th part). Goecke & Evers, Keltern 2006, ISBN 3-931374-49-1 .

Web links

Commons : Tingis cardui  - collection of images, videos and audio files