Titus Annius Luscus (Consul 153 BC)

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Titus Annius Luscus was a native of the 2nd century BC. Living Roman senator who lived in 153 BC. Officiated as consul .

Origin and family environment

Titus Annius Luscus was descended from the gens Annii , a Roman plebeian family of Latin origin, who did not live in Rome until the 2nd century BC. BC became more prominent and in that very century of the republic provided two consuls, besides the consul from 153 BC discussed here. Also Titus Annius Rufus , who 128 BC. He held the highest office of the state and perhaps also led the Cognomen Luscus in addition to the Cognomen Rufus . Via Annia is named after the latter consul .

Political career

Titus Annius Luscus was the son of a man of the same name who lived in 172 BC. Sent by the Senate as envoy to the Macedonian king Perseus and 169 BC. Was sent as a member of a three-man college to enlarge the Roman colony of Aquileia .

Nothing is known about the beginning of Luscus' senatorial career. But since he was around 156 BC . AD as Praetor officiated, he must have been at that time at least 40 years of age (minimum age for praetors after the lex Villia annalis from the year 180 v. Chr.). In 153 BC He was then together with Quintus Fulvius Nobilior consul of the Roman Republic. 133 BC As a consular he belonged to the opponents of Tiberius Sempronius Gracchus . Cicero describes him as a respectable speaker. The date of his death is unknown.


Individual evidence

  1. ^ Wilhelm Schulze: On the history of Latin proper names. 1904, pp. 122 , 423 and 519 .
  2. ^ Heinrich Nissen: Italische Landeskunde. Volume 2: The Cities. Half 1. 1902, pp. 231 and 362 .
  3. Titus Livius : Ab urbe condita 42, 25, 1.
  4. ^ Livy: Ab urbe condita 43, 17, 1.
  5. Fasti Capitolini ad annum 153 BC. Chr .; Cicero , Brutus 79; among others; on this Ingemar König: The Roman State. Part 1. 1992, List of Consuls , p. 224.
  6. Plutarch : Tiberius Gracchus 14, 5; Livy, Ab urbe condita , periochae 58; among others
  7. Cicero, Brutus 79.