Titus Didius

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Titus Didius ( also Deidius in inscriptions ; † June 11, 89 BC ) was a Roman politician of the outgoing republic.

His father of the same name was perhaps tribune in 143 BC. BC (the first name of the tribune has not been passed down). Titus Didius was mint master (probably 113/112 BC), tribune of the people 103 BC. And praetor probably 101 BC In this office or afterwards he was governor of the province of Macedonia and successfully waged war against the Skordisker . For the victory he received a triumph and was 98 BC. Chr. Consul . In that year and in the following years he waged war as proconsul in Spain (province of Hispania citerior) against the rebellious Celtiberians , whom he defeated in heavy fighting. After his return to Rome in 93 BC. Didius celebrated his second triumphal procession.

During the Alliance War he was a legate , first under Lucius Julius Caesar , then under Lucius Porcius Cato and Sulla . 89 BC He conquered Herculaneum , but fell in battle on June 11th of that year, probably before Nola or Pompeii .



  1. ^ Velleius Paterculus 2, 16, 2 .
  2. ^ Ovid : Fasti 6 : 567-568 .