Tobias Tilemann

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Tobias Tilemann (born February 11, 1584 in Wittenberg ; † March 25, 1614 in Wittenberg) was a German mathematician.


Born as the son of the archdeacon at the Wittenberg city church and master's degree Bartholomäus Tilemann, and his wife Anna (née Belin), he was enrolled at the University of Wittenberg on July 16, 1595 and made such progress in his studies that he obtained his master's degree in 1604 . He then gave private lectures and disputations on arithmetic , spherics , Euclid , trigonometry , trigonometric functions and planetary theory.

On May 1, 1610 he became an adjunct at the philosophical faculty and took over the professorship of lower mathematics in 1611 , as far as his physical weakness allowed. On June 9, 1612 he married Juliana, daughter of the magistrate Caspar Meiner and his wife Martha (daughter of Fridrich Pflugritter, mayor of Borna ). During the time of his marriage, he had few healthy days. After lying on his death bed for 18 weeks, he died on March 25, 1614.

Selection of works

  • Exercitationes philosophicas, Wittenberg 1610
  • Exercitationes historicas
  • Exercitationes physiologicas, Wittenberg 1612
  • De evefione rerum publicarum


References and comments

  1. cf. Wittenberg church book birth register dated February 12, 1584, incorrect interpretation in relation to the Gregorian and Julian calendar in Friedrich Balduin’s funeral sermon. Because the Julian calendar was in effect at the time of birth. According to the Gregorian calendar, it would be February 1st.
  2. Tobias Tilemann and Hinrich Mechow : Disputatio Exercitationum Philosophicarum III. De Categoriis, Seu Decem Primis Rerum Generibus. In: 1610, accessed July 5, 2016 .