Tomasz Polak

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Tomasz Polak 2007

Tomasz Polak , until April 30, 2008 Tomasz Węcławski (born November 20, 1952 in Poznan ) is a Polish theologian, engaged in the areas of dogmatic theology and fundamental theology , full professor at the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan , former Catholic presbyter , co-founder the workshop for border issues at the same university.


Tomasz Węcławski was ordained a Catholic priest on May 24, 1979. Since 1983 he has been a lecturer in Fundamental Theology at Poznan University at the Pontifical Theological Faculty of Poznan University.

From 1996 to 1998 he was dean of the Pontifical Theological Faculty, from 1998 to 2002 dean and founder of the theological faculty at the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan, from 1997 to 2004 member of the 6th Quinquennium of the International Theological Commission in Rome . On November 4, 1999, he was appointed professor of theological sciences. From 2003 to 2006 he was a member of the Committee for Theological Sciences of the Polish Academy of Sciences and the Presidium of the Guardini Foundation in Berlin . In 2004 he was awarded the Golden Cross of Merit of the Republic of Poland . Tomasz Węcławski translated a. a. the Gospel according to Mark

His conflicts with the Polish bishops began in 2002 when he uncompromisingly criticized the Poznan Archbishop Juliusz Paetz for sexually assaulting clerics .

On March 9, 2007, Tomasz Węcławski published a declaration of completion of his priesthood.

On December 21, 2007, he left the Catholic Church through apostasy .

On April 30, 2008, he civilly married Ms. Polak and took the name of his wife. Since then he has appeared publicly as Tomasz Polak.

He continues to work as a full professor at the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan .

Works (selection)

  • Obecność i spotkanie (attendance and meeting), Księgarnia św. Wojciecha, Poznań 1981.
  • Between language and silence. A discussion of the theological apophase in conversation with Vladimir N. Lossky and Martin Heidegger , Pontificia Università Gregoriana, Roma 1983 (doctoral thesis; 2nd edition, Minerva-Fachserie Theologie, Minerva Publication, Munich 1985).
  • Elementy chrystologii , (Elements of Christology) PWT Poznań, 1988.
  • Gdzie jest Bóg? Małe wprowadzenie do teologii dla tych, którzy nie boją się myśleć , (Where is God? A little introduction to theology for people who fear not thinking) Znak, Kraków 1992 (wyd. 2 Poznań 2002).
  • Jezus. Bóg, któremu wierzymy (Jesus. The God We Trust), Księgarnia św. Wojciecha, Poznań 1993 (wyd. 2 Poznań 1996).
  • Wspólny świat religii (Common World of Religion), “Biblioteka Filozofii Religii”, Znak, Kraków 1995.
  • Rekolekcje z Karlem Čapkiem , (devotional exercises with Karel Čapek), W drodze, Poznań 1995
  • Chrystus naszej wiary , "Biblioteka Pomocy Naukowych", PWT Poznań, 1995.
  • Ewangelia dla dzieci (wybór i tłumaczenie), Kraków 1997 (wyd. 2 poprawione Kraków 2006).
  • Degradation Wobec Boga Ojca (Abba. Face of God the Father), Kraków 1999.
  • Wielkie kryzysy tradycji chrześcijańskiej (Great Crises in the Christian Tradition), Poznań 1999.
  • Tryptyk o pontyfikacie Jana Pawła II (Triptych on the pontificate of John Paul II>), Poznań 1999, with Jan Góra and Paweł Mielcarek
  • Dobra nowina według św. Marka , (Good News from Saint Mark) - translated by Tomasz Węcławski, Poznań 1999
  • Pytanie o ducha XXI stulecia (question about the spirit of the 21st century), Wydaw. Nauk. UAM, Poznań 2002.
  • Królowanie Boga. Dwa objaśnienia wyznania wiary Kościoła (The Kingdom of God. Two Declarations of Faith by the Church), Poznań 2003 (wyd. 2 Poznań 2004).
  • Powiedzcie prawdę (Tell the Truth), Kraków 2003.
  • Pokochać własne życie , ( To love your own life), W drodze, Poznań 2004.

Web links

Individual evidence


See also