Tomislav Mužek

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Tomislav Mužek (born May 28, 1976 in Siegen ) is a Croatian opera singer ( tenor ).


Tomislav Mužek was born as the son of guest workers in Germany and grew up in Ludbreg in SFR Yugoslavia . After graduating from secondary school in Varaždin , he studied at the University of Music and Performing Arts in Vienna from 1994 . After completing his singing diploma, he received his first engagement at the Vienna State Opera in the 1999/2000 season . In April 1999 he won first prize at the international »Ferruccio Tagliavini« singing competition in Austria. Then Mužek was hired as a lyric tenor at the Bremen theater until 2002 . There he sang the roles of Don Ottavio, Alfredo, Rodolfo and Tamino. Since then, the tenor has appeared as a freelance artist at the Scala in Milan , the Bavarian State Opera , the Opéra Bastille , the Saxon State Opera , the Hamburg State Opera and at the Bayreuth Festival . His repertoire includes parts of the lyric tenor subject. Tomislav Mužek has lived in Croatia since 2003.

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