Tommaso Vincidor

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Tommaso di Andrea Vincidor (*  1493 in Bologna , Italy, †  1536 in Breda , Netherlands) was an Italian painter and architect of the Renaissance .

Name spelling

You meet Tommaso di Andrea Vincidors name in since 1517 to him to-find documents as Tommaso Vincitore or Tommaso da Bologna on.

life and work

It is believed that he was a student and assistant to Raphael first in Rome . B. helped with its frescoes in the Vatican . After Raphael's death, Vindicor was active in Flanders from 1520 and is often seen as an example of communicating the innovations in Italian art of his time to the Netherlands. This function can be used e.g. This can be seen, for example, in his 1521 exchange of prints of works by Raphael as well as in the buildings and grave monuments in the Renaissance style in Flanders attributed to him.

Vincidor's acquaintance with Dürer

Vincidor is said to have portrayed Albrecht Dürer during his visit to Antwerp in 1521 , a gesture that Dürer returned according to diary information. In his diary, Dürer calls him Thomas Polonier , i.e. Thomas from Bologna.

Vincidor's letter to Pope Leo

The 1520 letter from a painter to Pope Leo X is generally considered to have been written by Vincidor and gives an interesting insight into the transmission of pictures by Italian masters on cardboard as templates for the carpets commissioned in Flanders.

Vincidor as an architect

Vincidor was the architect of one of the first Renaissance buildings in the Netherlands, the Castle of Breda, around 1536.

Master with the dice?

The anonymous master with the dice , a copper engraver of the Renaissance, is mostly seen today as identical to Vincidor, but this identification is not necessarily certain.

Works (selection)

Vincidor are z. B. the following works are attributed, which were previously listed under "Anonymous Masters from Flanders".

  • Adoration of the Child , cardboard box, Paris, Musée du Louvre, Département des Arts Graphiques. INV 4269
  • Alexander and Roxanne , Karton, Paris, Musée du Louvre, Département des Arts Graphiques. INV 3885
  • Bacchus . New York, Metropolitan Museum of Art
  • Circumcision of Christ (Circoncision), Paris, Musée du Louvre
  • Boughton House cardboard boxes (after Raphael), cardboard boxes used as a template for the tapestry in Boughton House, Kettering (Northamptonshire)
  • Stations of Life (Les Ages de la vie), series of five cardboard boxes, Paris, Musée du Louvre, Département des Arts Graphiques, INV 20710 to INV 20714
  • Triumph of Silene (Le triomphe de Silène), cardboard box, Paris. Musée du Louvre, Department des Arts Graphiques, INV INV 20715
  • Annunciation, Cardboard Box, Oxford, Ashmolean Museum
  • Vision of Ezekiel, with the coat of arms of Pope Leo X., cardboard after Raphael, Madrid, Museo Nacional de Artes Decorativas

Some boxes of chalk drawings, now privately owned, are also attributed to Vincidor .


Web links

  • Annunciation, cardboard box, Oxford, Ashmolean Museum

Individual evidence

  1. after G. Vasari: Le Vite de 'più eccellenti architetti, pittori, et scultori italiani. Florence, Torrentino 1550.
  2. G. Undamaged: I saw many delicious things: Albrecht Dürer's trip to the Netherlands. Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht 2006 p. 87.
  3. on this portrait see J. Heller: Das Leben und die Werke Albrecht Dürer , Volume 2. Bamberg, Kunz 1827 p. 324.
  4. The picture is lost today, but afterwards there is a copper engraving by A. Jacobsz: Portrait of Albrecht Dürer with beret, after Tomaso Vincidor from 1629.
  5. quoted in O. Fischel: A carpet design by Thomas Vincido r. In: Yearbook of the Prussian Art Collections, 55th Bd., (1934), pp. 89–96
  6. see also F. Filippini: Tommaso Vincidor da Bologna scolaro di Raffaello e amico del Dürer . In: Bollettino d'arte del Ministero della Pubblica Istruzione . 22.1928 / 29 pp. 309-324.
  7. First published in the original language by E. Müntz in The Athenarum, July 1896, p. 78.
  8. see R. Klein, H. Zerner: Italian Art, 1500-1600: Sources and Documents . Evanston. Northwestern Univ. Press 1989 p. 47 (English translation).
  9. ^ T. Campbell: Pope Leo X's consistorial 'letto de paramento' and the Boughton House cartoons . In: The Burlington magazine, 138.1996, pp. 436-445.
  10. R. van Luttervelt, Renaissance art te Breda. Vijf Studies. IV: Tomaso Vincidor en het kasteel van Breda . Nederlands Kunsthistorisch Jaarboek, 14.1963, pp. 31–55.
  11. ^ "Tommaso da Bologna Vincidor". In: Architecture and Landscaping. A Dictionary of Architecture and Landscape Architecture ". Oxford, Oxford University Press 1999, 2006 (online edition)
  12. Master of the Die . The Concise Grove Dictionary of Art, 2002 Oxford, Oxford University Press 2002.
  13. See e.g. B. Direction générale des patrimonies, Service des musées de France (ed.): JOCONDE. Catalog des Collections des musées de France, Paris, undated, online edition , accessed May 2010
  14. ^ British Museum. Dept. of Prints and Drawings (Ed.): Italian drawings in the Department of Prints and Drawings in the British Museum: Raphael and his circle: Giulio Romano, GF Penni, Perino del Vaga, Giovanni de Udine, Tommaso Vincidor . London. Trustees of the British Museum 1962
  15. S. z. B. Sotheby's New York auction house, sale: January 23, 2003, lot 55.