Friedrich Leitschuh

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Friedrich Leitschuh (born April 4, 1837 in Münnerstadt , † December 13, 1898 in Bamberg ) was a German librarian, manuscript researcher and regional historian.


The son of the Munich school rector Johann Alois Leitschuh first studied theology in Würzburg, Erlangen and Munich, then switched to philology and history and received his doctorate in 1862. After working at the University Library of Würzburg , he was appointed director of the Bamberg Royal Library in 1874. In addition to the systematic listing of the printed matter and the indexing of the Joseph Hellers graphic collection , the catalog of the Bamberg manuscripts, which his assistant and successor Hans Fischer was able to complete in 1912 and from which Fridolin Dreßler obtained a slightly improved reprint, is still an indispensable key to this international one well-known inventory, the core of which goes back to the foundations of Heinrich II .

His estate is in the Bamberg State Library.

The " Leitschuh-Ruh ", a viewing platform near the Bamberg Altenburg, is named after him.

His son Franz Friedrich (1865–1924) was professor of art history at the University of Freiburg im Üechtland , his grandson Max (1889–1976) director of the Wilhelmsgymnasium in Munich .

Fonts (selection)

  • The origin of mythology and the development of Greek religion according to Hesiod's theogony: an attempt at the philosophy of religion , Würzburg: Stahel 1867.
  • In memory of the venerable Mr. Johann Georg Münz: with portrait, Munich: Lentner 1868.
  • Otto von Bodenlaube in his songs, Kissingen: Schachenmayer 1872.
  • (Ed): Anton Ruland. Collected writings, Vol. 1: Sermons , Bamberg: Schmidt 1875.
  • Joseph Heller (1798-1849) and its importance for art history : Lecture given on Heller's birthday in 1876, Bamberg: Buchner, 1876.
  • The steady development of Greek and German art and literature : culturhistorische Studien, Leipzig: TO Weigel 1877.
  • Contributions to the history of witchcraft in Franconia , Bamberg: Hübscher 1883.
  • together with Hans Fischer (arrangement): Catalog of the manuscripts of the Royal Library of Bamberg, several parts, Bamberg: Buchner 1887ff.
  • History of the Royal Library of Bamberg after secularization , Bamberg: Buchner 1894.
  • Franz Ludwig von Erthal, Prince-Bishop of Bamberg and Würzburg, Duke of Franconia: a character picture , Bamberg: Buchner 1894.
  • On the history of the book theft by the Swedes in Würzburg . In: Zentralblatt für Bibliothekswesen , vol. 13 (1896), pp. 104–113 ( online ).


Web links

Wikisource: Friedrich Leitschuh  - Overview of the ADB articles