Toni Huppertz

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Toni Huppertz , born Anton Johann Huppertz , (born November 5, 1900 in Saargemünd , † late April 1945 in Marostica in Italy ) was a German screenwriter and director .


The early years

The son of an accountant and authorized signatory from Lorraine served in the final phase of the First World War as a volunteer in the Imperial Navy, with the II. Torpedo Division Wilhelmshaven . Thereupon he was expelled by the French from Lorraine, now annexed by France, in March 1919. Huppertz returned to Wilhelmshaven in the same year and reported to the mine clearance command for six months, after which he hired himself as a helmsman on a fishing cutter.

The next activity led Huppertz to the Hamburg-America Line , later he worked as a cargo expedition. On arrival in Cologne , he attended the commercial college for three semesters before he found a job as an administrator at the Dutch steamship shipping company Rotterdam-Cologne.

After his engagement at the beginning of the so-called Ruhrkampf , Huppertz went to Budapest and Vienna in 1923 , where he made his first film contacts as an actor. Also in the Austrian capital, Huppertz was allowed to work for the first time as an assistant director for the film (for the US company Famous Players Lasky ), after which the young mime appeared as a dancer and actor at the Revue Wien gives eight .

Eventually Huppertz returned to Cologne and found employment for half a year as managing director of the Metropol-Lustspieltheater there. Finally he moved to Berlin to train as a director at the Max Reinhardt School . At the Deutsches Theater Berlin he staged, among others, Hermann Roßmann's Flieger .

Regular film work

When the National Socialists came to power, Huppertz finally switched to film, initially in the role of assistant director (e.g. in 1933 for Des Junge Dessauer's great love and the following year for Hans Steinhoff's German national work The Old and Young King ).

After an interlude as deputy head of production at Syndikat-Film, Huppertz received his first film directing assignment in 1935. But soon Huppertz was no longer able to direct films and had to switch to work as a screenwriter. Several times he wrote the templates to Nazi propaganda films ( The Age of Ireland , head up, John! , The affair Roedern , comrade Hedwig ). For some films he only provided the idea (so in 1937 about crooks in tails and comrades at sea ) or the manuscript template (1942 about The Big Game ).

In addition to his film work, he worked for Rüdiger-Verlag until shortly before the end of the war in 1945. Anton Johann Huppertz died under unknown circumstances in the last days of the war, between April 28 and May 1, 1945, in the Italian province of Vicenza , possibly as a result of the war.

Filmography (as a screenwriter)

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