Gate Nørretranders

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Gate Nørretranders

Tor Nørretranders (born June 20, 1955 in Copenhagen ) is a Danish science journalist and non-fiction author .

Nørretranders attended Det frie Gymnasium and graduated from Roskilde University in 1982 with a degree in philosophy and the sociology of science . From 1975 to 1982 he worked for the Danish daily newspaper Dagbladet Information , then for Weekendavisen (1983–85) and Børsens Nyhedsmagasin (1985–86). 1986 to 1988 he presented the program Hvælv on the TV station Danmarks Radio . In the academic field, he worked at Denmark's Technical University (1982–83), the Royal Danish Academy of Art (1990–91) and at the Risø Research Center (1993). From 1995 to 1996 he was director of the Mindship Fond (Mindship Foundation) . Since 2003 he has been Adjunct Professor of Philosophy of Science at Copenhagen Business School .

Tor Nørretranders was awarded the Forfatterforenings Faglitterære Pris for non-fiction literature by the Danish Writers' Association in 1985 and the Publicist Prize of the Danish Association of Publicists in 1988 .

In the German-speaking world, he is particularly known for feeling the world. The science of consciousness (Original title: Mærk verden , 1991). In this work he describes and illustrates scientific findings with which it can be argued that consciousness is not the center of our decisions and actions and that we think and act largely unconsciously. Nørretranders compares our conscious perception of ourselves with the “user illusion” that Xerox PARC used to describe the effect they had on human users when they developed graphical user interfaces . In the same way that a desktop forms the basis of the “desk metaphor”, our consciousness as a user illusion is “our map of ourselves and our possibilities for influencing the world” (p. 417). In this book he also coined the term exformation .


  • Om kapitalistisk naturvidenskab. Forholdet mellem teori and empiri i marxistiske study af naturvidenskaberne belyst udfra en analysis af forskningen om liv udenfor jorden. Modtryk, 1976
  • Kræftens frie spil. Dansk miljøpolitik efter PVC-say fra Skælskør. Information, 1980
  • (Ed.): Hengivelse. En debatbog om mænds orgasmer. Information, 1981
  • (Ed.): Månen i manden. En bog om det, who he differently. Tide skifter, 1983
  • Cosmos eller kaos. Ni kapitler af verdens historie. Tide skifter, 1984
  • Det udelelige. Niels Bohrs updates physics, mystics and politics. Gyldendal , 1985
  • The blå sky. Et essay om evighedens begyndelse. Munksgaard, 1987
  • Naturvidenskab and ikke-viden. Kimære, 1987
  • Videnskabsvurdering. Forskning, Fremdtid and Folkestyre. Gyldendal, 1987
  • Dansk dynamite. Dansk forsknings international status vurderet ud fra bibliometriske indicators. Forskningspolitisk Råd, 1990
  • Mærk verden. En beretning om bevisthed. Gyldendal, 1991
  • Verden vokser. Tilfældighedens history. Aschehoug, 1994
  • Person på en planet. 95 fortællinger from halvfjerdserne, firserne and halvfemserne. Aschehoug, 1995
  • Stedet som ikke he. Fremtidens nærvær, netværk and Internet. Aschehoug, 1997
  • Frem i tides. Situations set from the cosmos. Tide skifter, 1999
  • Det generøse menneske. En natural history om at umage giver mage. People's Press, 2002
  • At tro på at tro. Menneskesyn med mere. Anise, 2003
  • Einstein, Einstein. Politiken, 2005
  • Menneskeføde. Vejviser ud af en overvægtig verden. Tide skifter, 2005
  • Børnespørgehjørne. Spørgsmål de voksne ikke can svare på. Thanning & Appel, 2007
  • Civilization 2.0. Miljø, falls and verdensbillede i left tidsalder. Thanning & Appel, 2007
  • Glæd dig. TV2, 2007

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