Torsten Koerber

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Torsten Körber (* 1965 in Hanover ) is a German lawyer and professor at the University of Cologne .


Körber studied after high school on a scholarship from the studienstiftung at the Georg-August University of Göttingen and the Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich and at the National University of Singapore and the University of California, Berkeley law, history and economics. After passing the first state law examination in Göttingen (1991), he obtained a Master of Laws (LL.M) in Berkeley (1993). The second state examination in Berlin (1996) was followed by a doctorate in Göttingen in the same year. Until his habilitation in 2003, he worked as a research assistant to Ulrich Immenga and Holger Fleischer at the Georg-August University in Göttingen.

In 2004, Körber taught as a visiting professor at the TU Dresden . In 2004 he accepted a professorship for civil law, international business law, competition and antitrust law at the Heinrich Heine University in Düsseldorf . In 2005 he was offered a professorship at the Friedrich Schiller University Jena , where he held the chair for civil law, antitrust law, commercial, corporate and economic law until 2009. After being appointed to the chair for civil law, antitrust law, insurance, company and regulatory law at the Georg-August-Universität Göttingen , Körber taught there until 2017.

In 2017, after having been appointed to the University of Bayreuth and the University of Cologne, he accepted the new chair for civil law, antitrust and regulatory law, and digital economy law at the University of Cologne . Körber is also setting up a new institute for energy law there.

Research priorities

  • Antitrust law (prohibition of cartels, abuse control and merger control in ARC and EU antitrust law; including competition issues from media, software and internet platforms; innovation and data economy)
  • Regulatory law ( energy law , including grid regulation, energy transition, digitization, electricity markets, contract and liability law); Telecommunications law (including network regulation, broadband expansion / NGN, digitization, customer and data protection)
  • Law of the digital economy (digitization and data economy as a challenge to the legal system; internet platforms; competition and data-related aspects of debt, media, copyright and patent law; telematics, automation and Industry 4.0)


Körber is a member of the Scientific Working Group for Regulatory Issues (WAR) of the Federal Network Agency (BNetzA). He is also the former spokesman of the Scientific Association for the Entire Regulatory Law , Deputy Chairman of the Scientific Advisory Board of the Research Institute for Economic Constitution and Competition (FIW, Cologne) as well as a member of the advisory scientific expert team of the Berlin Institute for Energy and Regulatory Law (Enreg) and the working group Antitrust law of the German Association for Commercial Legal Protection and Copyright (GRUR). He is a co-founder of the Jena Institute for Energy Law and is a member of the Lower Saxony Energy Research Center (EFZN, Goslar). During his time in Göttingen, he was director of the Göttingen Institute for Business and Media Law until 2017, managing director of the Insurance Science Competence Center (KVW, Hanover) and liaison professor of the German National Academic Foundation and 2014-2016 dean of the law faculty.

Körber is u. a. Co-editor of the Neue Zeitschrift für Kartellrecht (NZKart), the series of publications on cartel and regulatory law (Nomos) and the comments on Immenga / Mestmäcker, competition law, Bürgers / Körber, Aktiengesetz and, in the future, Berlin Commentary on the TKG (from the 4th edition).

Publications (selection)

  • The competitor lawsuit in merger control law of the USA, Germany and the European Union. Baden-Baden 1996, ISBN 978-3-7890-4391-8
  • Fundamental freedoms and private law . Mohr Siebeck, Tübingen 2004, ISBN 978-3-16-148357-8
  • Immenga / Mestmäcker, competition law (co-editor and commentary on the European Merger Control Regulation (FKVO), § 29 GWB and the special area of ​​telecommunications), CH Beck, 5th edition 2012 ff., ISBN 978-3-406-62760-6
  • Standard Essential Patents, FRAND Obligations and Antitrust Law - Standard Essential Patents, FRAND Commitments and Competition Law , Baden-Baden 2013, ISBN 978-3-8487-0429-3
  • Third-party access to district heating networks , 2nd edition 2015, JWV, ISBN 978-3-938057-32-2
  • Tendering for district heating networks? (with cooling), 2016, Nomos, ISBN 978-3-8487-3468-9
  • Data and competition in the digital economy (ed.), 2017, Nomos, ISBN 978-3-8487-3617-1
  • Heidelberg Commentary on the Stock Corporation Act (with Bürgers), CFMüller, 4th edition 2017 (incl. EBook) ISBN 978-3-8114-4304-4
  • Various articles and a. Sector-specific broadcasting regulation or 'competition 2.0'? (ZWeR 2009, 315); Antitrust law in times of crisis (WuW 2009, 873); Cartel law access of customer and consumer associations to the joint statistics of the insurance industry (VersR 2012, 670-677 with Rauh); Google in the focus of antitrust law (WRP 2012, 761-772); The district heating networks between competition and climate protection (RdE 2012, 372-382); Antitrust compulsory license objection and standard-essential patents (NZKart 2013, 87-98), Let's Talk About Android - Observations on Competition in the Field of Mobile Operating Systems, SSRN (July 4, 2014), net neutrality between market-driven self-regulation and state regulation (in: Säcker / Schmidt-Preuß, Principle Questions of Regulatory Law, Baden-Baden 2015, pp. 223–250); Market definition and SIEC test in food retailing - critical comments on the prohibition decision Edeka / Tengelmann (ZWeR 2016, 89-112); Is knowledge market power? Considerations on the relationship between data protection, "data power" and antitrust law (NZKart 2016, 303-310 and 348-355); Conceptual recording of digital platforms and adequate regulatory strategies (ZUM 2017, 93-101).

Web links