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As transudate in the are medicine by epithelia passing and from vessels exiting not flammable related body fluids , respectively. The process of secreting such fluids is called transudation . They must be distinguished from exudates caused by inflammation, for example . Transudates occur in healthy and diseased body processes.


Transudates are comparatively poor in cells and usually contain only flaked mesothelial cells and a few leukocytes . The protein content is low and is usually less than 30 g / l. The specific weight is less than 1.012. Transudates are usually clear, possibly with a light yellow color.

Physiological transudates

Physiologically , transudates appear as secretions from epithelia . Here they form a fine film of liquid, so only small amounts of liquid are involved. Such transudates are, for example, the vaginal secretion or the liquid film on the tunica serosa .

Pathological transudates

Possible causes of pathological transudates are:

The transudates can occur as an effusion ( hydrops , ascites , pleural effusion ) into a body cavity or as an edema , i.e. an accumulation of fluid in the interstitium .

See also

Individual evidence

  1. Berthold Jany, Tobias Welte: Pleural effusion in adults - causes, diagnosis and therapy. In: Deutsches Ärzteblatt. Volume 116, Issue 21, (May) 2019, pp. 377-385.
  2. Berthold Jany, Tobias Welte: Pleural effusion of adults. 2019, p. 379 f.