Eaves right

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The eaves right is an easement with which the owner of a property is granted the right to let rainwater run off onto the property of the neighbor.

This right is limited in cases that lead to an impairment of the condition of the neighboring property, e.g. B. if the water increases the risk of ice formation on neighboring sidewalks.

The eaves and the eaves right are regulated in some state neighboring laws, for example in Baden-Württemberg (§§ 1 f.), Brandenburg (§§ 52 ff.), Hesse (§§ 26 f.), Lower Saxony (§§ 45 f. ), North Rhine-Westphalia (Sections 27 f.), Rhineland-Palatinate (Section 37 f.), Saarland (Section 25), Saxony-Anhalt (Section 33), Schleswig-Holstein (Section 26) and Thuringia (Section 37 f.).

See also

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