Constituency Frankfurt am Main I

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Constituency 34: Frankfurt am Main I
Constituency Frankfurt am Main I
Country Germany
state Hesse
region town Frankfurt am Main
Constituency number 34
voter turnout 55.0%
Election date October 28, 2018
Constituency representative
Representative Matthias Thiel
Political party CDU
Voting share 27.1%

The constituency of Frankfurt am Main I (constituency 34) is one of six state electoral districts in the urban area of ​​the independent city of Frankfurt am Main in Hesse . It includes the districts of Griesheim , Höchst , Nied , Sindlingen , Sossenheim , Unterliederbach and Zeilsheim in the west of the city . The district 531 of the Schwanheim district has also been part of the constituency since 2018 .

In March 2018 it became known that the constituency of Frankfurt am Main I had a deviation of more than 25 percent downwards. The city of Frankfurt had incorrectly calculated the population there. The State Court of Hesse ruled on May 9, 2018 that Frankfurt am Main I had to be redefined. As a result, the city of Frankfurt suggested adding part of the Schwanheim district from constituency 37 to the constituency Frankfurt am Main I. The state parliament passed a corresponding amendment to the law, which came into force on June 30, 2018.

Election 2018

State election 2018 - second votes
34 Frankfurt am Main I
Gains and losses
compared to 2013
 % p
-12.2  % p
-10.0  % p
+ 9.2  % p
+ 9.8  % p.p.
+1.8  % p
+1.6  % p
+1.0  % p
-0.9  % p
Result of the state elections on October 28, 2018
Subject of evidence Constituency
District candidates Political party number % number %
Eligible voters 61,266 100.0 61,266 100.0
Voters 33,679 55.0 33,679 55.0
Invalid votes 828 2.5 799 2.4
Valid votes 32,851 100.0 32,880 100.0
from that
Uwe Serke CDU 8,888 27.1 7,900 24.0
Petra Scharf SPD 7,669 23.4 6,780 20.6
Martina Feldmayer GREEN 5,980 18.2 6,500 19.8
Axel Gerntke LEFT 2,551 7.8 2,951 9.0
Claudius Swietek FDP 1,757 5.4 1,946 5.9
Markus Fuchs AfD 4,357 13.3 4,570 13.9
- PIRATES - - 148 0.5
Michael Weingärtner FREE VOTERS 1,047 3.2 769 2.3
- NPD - - 62 0.2
Jan Steffen The party 585 1.3 296 0.9
- ÖDP - - 93 0.3
- The grays - - 133 0.4
- BüSo - - 6th 0.0
- AD Democrats - - 94 0.3
- Alliance C - - 42 0.1
- UBI - - 32 0.1
- The violets - - 45 0.1
- LKR - - 11 0.0
- Human world - - 23 0.1
- The humanists - - 36 0.1
- Health research - - 49 0.1
- Animal welfare party - - 371 1.1
- V party³ - - 23 0.1

In addition to the directly elected constituency member Uwe Serke (CDU), the Green candidate Martina Feldmayer has entered the state parliament via her party's state list.

Election 2013

State election 2013 - second votes
34 Frankfurt am Main I
Gains and losses
compared to 2009
 % p
-3.8  % p
+ 9.3  % p
-2.4  % p
± 0.0  % p
-9.9  % p
+ 7.0  % p
Result of the state elections on September 22, 2013
Subject of evidence Constituency
District candidate Political party number % number %
Eligible voters 56,737 100.0 56,737 100.0
Voters 34,926 61.6 34,926 61.6
Invalid votes 1,189 3.4 1.006 2.9
Valid votes 33,737 100.0 33,920 100.0
from that
Uwe Serke CDU 13,387 39.7 12,150 35.8
Hubert Schmitt SPD 11,876 35.2 10,482 30.9
Hans-Christian Mick FDP 756 2.2 1,423 4.2
Martina Feldmayer GREEN 2,985 8.8 3,551 10.5
Dominike Pauli LEFT 2,444 7.2 2,507 7.4
Thomas Kandziorowsky FREE VOTERS 835 2.5 472 1.4
- NPD x x 425 1.3
Frank-Michael Homa REP 566 1.7 222 0.7
Andreas Schieberle PIRATES 888 2.6 752 2.2
- BüSo x x 61 0.2
- ADd x x 57 0.2
- The grays x x 39 0.1
- AfD x x 1,401 4.1
- AVIP x x 32 0.1
- LUPe x x 20th 0.1
- ÖDP x x 52 0.2
- The party x x 249 0.7
- PSG x x 25th 0.1

Uwe Serke moved into the state parliament as the winner of the direct mandate. At 61.6%, it was the constituency with the lowest voter turnout.

Election 2009

Result of the state election of January 18, 2009
Subject of
Applicants Political party number % number %
Eligible voters 56,905 100.0 56,905 100.0
Voters 28,921 50.8 28,921 50.8
Invalid votes 1,035 3.6 945 3.3
Valid votes 27,886 100.0 27,976 100.0
from that
Alfons Gerling CDU 12,701 45.5 11,069 39.6
Roger Podstatny SPD 7.110 25.5 6,056 21.6
Hans-Christian Mick FDP 2,665 09.6 3,940 14.1
Martina Feldmayer GREEN 3,004 10.8 3,595 12.9
Dominike Pauli LEFT 1,737 06.2 2,066 07.4
Brigitte Zimmeritsch REP 301 01.1 276 01.0
- FW - - 402 01.4
Carlo Spengler NPD 368 01.3 349 01.2
- PIRATES - - 166 00.6
- BüSo - - 61 00.2

In addition to Alfons Gerling as the winner of the direct mandate, Hans-Christian Mick from the constituency also moved into the state parliament via the state list.

2008 election

Result of the state election of January 27, 2008
Subject of
Applicants Political party number % number %
Eligible voters 56,681 100.0 56,681 100.0
Voters 30,933 54.6 30,933 54.6
Invalid votes 876 2.8 759 2.5
Valid votes 30,057 100.0 30,174 100.0
from that
Alfons Gerling CDU 12,960 43.1 12.123 40.2
Roger Podstatny SPD 10.141 33.7 10,260 34.0
Martina Feldmayer GREEN 2.148 07.1 1,951 06.5
Hans-Christian Mick FDP 1,654 05.5 2,313 07.7
Brigitte Zimmeritsch REP 444 01.5 367 01.2
Ulrich Spangenberger Animal welfare party 500 01.7 297 01.0
- BüSo - - 14th 0.0
- PSG - - 17th 0.1
- Referendum - - 39 00.1
- GRAY - - 98 00.3
Wiltrud Pohl LEFT 1,581 05.3 1,896 06.3
- The violets - - 31 00.1
- FAMILY - - 100 00.3
Renzo Sechi FW 266 00.9 220 00.7
Günter Ulrich NPD 363 01.2 343 01.1
- PIRATES - - 88 00.3
- UB - - 17th 00.1

Election 2003

Result of the state elections on February 2, 2003
Subject of
Applicants Political party number % number %
Eligible voters 56,174 100.0 56,174 100.0
Voters 31,135 55.4 31,135 55.4
Invalid votes 927 3.0 752 2.4
Valid votes 30.208 100.0 30.208 100.0
from that
Alfons Gerling CDU 16,554 54.8 15.164 49.9
Roger Podstatny SPD 9,127 30.2 8,332 27.4
Martina Feldmayer GREEN 2,471 8.2 3,020 9.9
? FDP 1,257 4.2 2.154 7.1
- REP - - 595 2.0
? Animal welfare party 677 2.2 333 1.1
- THE WOMEN - - 102 0.3
- PBC - - 48 0.2
- DKP - - 59 0.2
- ödp - - 20th 0.1
? BüSo 122 0.4 49 0.2
- FAG Hessen - - 260 0.9
- PSG - - 21st 0.1
- Schill - - 226 0.7

Election 1999

Result of the state election on February 7, 1999
Subject of
Applicants Political party number % number %
Eligible voters 56,596 100.0 56,596 100.0
Voters 34.163 60.4 34.163 60.4
Invalid votes 633 1.9 612 1.8
Valid votes 33,530 100.0 33,551 100.0
from that
Alfons Gerling CDU 16,540 49.3 15,729 46.9
Sieghard Pawlik SPD 12,560 37.5 12,117 36.1
? GREEN 1,901 5.7 2,326 6.9
? FDP 761 2.3 1,230 3.7
? REP 1,124 3.4 1,085 3.2
- The animal welfare party - - 164 0.5
? THE WOMEN 203 0.6 152 0.5
- PASSPORT - - 15th 0.0
- DKP - - 42 0.1
? BüSo 37 0.1 14th 0.0
- FWG - - 35 0.1
- PBC - - 32 0.1
- DHP - - 4th 0.0
- NATURAL LAW - - 40 0.1
- ödp - - 17th 0.1
- NPD - - 94 0.3
? BFB-The offensive 404 1.2 455 1.4

Election 1995

Result of the state election of February 19, 1995
Subject of
Applicants Political party number % number %
Eligible voters 59,422 100.0 59,422 100.0
Voters 36.051 60.7 36.051 60.7
Invalid votes 923 2.6 972 2.7
Valid votes 35,128 100.0 35,079 100.0
from that
Sieghard Pawlik SPD 12,747 36.3 11,861 33.8
Alfons Gerling CDU 15,934 45.4 14,867 42.4
? GREEN 3,087 8.8 3,791 10.8
? FDP 1,260 3.6 1,987 5.7
? ÖDP 168 0.5 88 0.3
- GRAY - - 217 0.6
? REP 1,548 4.4 1,462 4.2
? solidarity 47 0.1 15th 0.0
- APD - - 91 0.3
- DKP - - 155 0.4
? NPD 153 0.4 155 0.4
- DHP - - 23 0.1
- f.NEP - - 36 0.1
- NATURAL LAW - - 65 0.2
- BFB - - 194 0.6
- PBC - - 48 0.1
? INSTEAD of party 184 0.5 123 0.4

Election 1991

Result of the state election of January 20, 1991
Subject of
Applicants Political party number % number %
Eligible voters 62,776 100.0 62,776 100.0
Voters 39,535 63.0 39,535 63.0
Invalid votes 797 2.0 642 1.6
Valid votes 38,737 100.0 38,893 100.0
from that
Alfons Gerling CDU 18,448 47.6 17,712 45.5
Sieghard Pawlik SPD 15,456 39.9 14,386 37.0
? GREEN 2,589 6.7 3,160 8.1
? FDP 1,558 4.0 1.995 5.1
- REP - - 1,052 2.7
? THE GRAY 687 1.8 451 1.2
- ÖDP - - 76 0.2
- PBC - - 61 0.2

Election 1987

Result of the state election of April 5, 1987
Political party number %
Eligible voters 63,406 100.0
Voters 47,079 74.3
Invalid votes 511 1.1
Valid votes 46,568 100.0
from that
Sieghard Pawlik SPD 17,951 38.5
Alfons Gerling CDU 21,737 46.7
? FDP 2,273 4.9
? GREEN 4,323 9.3
? DKP 142 0.3
? ÖDP 142 0.3

Election 1983

Result of the state election of September 25, 1983
Political party number %
Eligible voters 63,377 100.0
Voters 49,570 78.2
Invalid votes 489 1.0
Valid votes 49,081 100.0
from that
Helmut Frank CDU 19,724 40.2
Sieghard Pawlik SPD 23,449 47.8
Tom Koenigs GREEN 3,018 6.1
Wolfgang Suttner FDP 2,496 5.1
Hermann Kruger DKP 138 0.3
Uwe Steeger LD 156 0.3
Uwe Arndt DS 44 0.1
Ingeborg Zeisler EAP 39 0.1
Helmut Arens BSA 17th 0.0

Previous MPs

Directly elected members of the constituency Frankfurt am Main I were:

year Direct candidate Political party First votes
2018 Uwe Serke CDU 27.1
2013 Uwe Serke CDU 39.7
2009 Alfons Gerling CDU 45.5
2008 Alfons Gerling CDU 43.1
2003 Alfons Gerling CDU 54.8
1999 Alfons Gerling CDU 49.3
1995 Alfons Gerling CDU 45.4
1991 Alfons Gerling CDU 47.6
1987 Alfons Gerling CDU 46.7
1983 Sieghard Pawlik SPD 47.8
1982 Helmut Frank CDU 45.4


  1. Annex to Section 7 of the Hessian State Election Act
  2. FAZ, March 8, 2018: Frankfurt provides incorrect population figures for constituency reform
  3. constituency 34 should grow; in: FR from May 19, 2018, online
  4. Second law amending the state election law of June 25, 2018 (GVBl. P. 290)
  5. Election results of the state elections 2018 on the homepage of the Hessian State Statistical Office, accessed on May 19, 2019.
  6. Constituency applicants and election results of the 2013 state elections on the homepage of the Hessian State Statistical Office
  7. ^ Result of the state elections in 2009 in the constituency of Frankfurt am Main I on the homepage of the Hessian State Statistical Office, accessed on May 19, 2019.
  8. ^ Result of the state election 2008 in constituency 34 on the homepage of the state returning officer for Hesse.
  9. Result of the 2003 state election in constituency 34 in the Hessian State Gazette, accessed on May 6, 2019.
  10. ^ Final result of the state elections on February 7, 1999 (StAnz. 9/1999 p. 637)
  11. Final result of the 1995 state elections (StAnz. 12/1995 p. 961)
  12. ^ Final result of the state elections on January 20, 1991 (StAnz. 6/1991 p. 416)
  13. ^ Final result of the state elections on April 5, 1987 (StAnz. 16/1987 p. 833)
  14. Final result of the state elections on September 25, 1983 (StAnz. 41/1983 p. 1976)