Tre Media Music Publishers

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The Tre Media music publishing was a German music publisher . The publishing house was founded in 1994 by Friederike Zimmermann in Karlsruhe . In 2010 it was taken over by the stage and music publisher G. Ricordi & Co. Munich. Ricordi agreed to keep the catalog. Since mid-2014 he has been responsible for the Swiss music publisher Musica Mundana .

Tre Media published composers from sixteen countries. The publishing house had a focus on (contemporary) Swiss composers . a. Gerald Bennett , Jean-Luc Darbellay , Franz Furrer-Münch , Rudolf Kelterborn , Dennis Kuhn , Mela Meierhans , Albert Moeschinger , Christoph Neidhöfer , Michel Roth , Madeleine Ruggli , Robert Suter , Balz Trümpy , Jacques Wildberger , Hans Wüthrich , Jürg Wyttenbach and Gérard Interest day include. Furthermore were u. a. Firəngiz Əlizadə , Thomas Gerwin , Werner Heider , Paul Hertel , Klaus K. Hübler , Ladislav Kupkovič , Mesías Maiguashca , Yori-Aki Matsudaira , Andrés Maupoint , Stephen Montague , Klaus Schweizer , Makoto Shinohara , Ernstalbrecht Stiebler , Caroline Wilkins and Gyu-Bong Yi in program.

In 2001 the publishing house received the SUISA Foundation's Recognition Prize for its special commitment to sound creators from Switzerland .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Ricordi takes over Tre Media ,, accessed on October 6, 2018.
  2. About us ,, accessed October 6, 2018.