Separating layer

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A separating layer is a thin layer that separates two materials from one another, e.g. B. a vapor barrier. The boundary between two phases is also referred to as the separating layer , e.g. B. water and oil . There are also many other uses of the term.



In construction, release liners often serve several of these purposes, e.g. B. the prescribed separating layer between raw concrete and screed, usually a film made of polyethylene . It does not allow the screed to tear, even if the underlay is deformed, and it also blocks moisture. Additional impact sound insulation or insulation foils reduce the transmission of acoustic vibrations. There are barriers against moisture (rain, groundwater) and vapor barriers .

See also:

Physical separation layer

In physics, chemistry, materials science and fluid technology, measurement of phase boundaries are important methods, as are e.g. B. the water-oil separation layer in the demixing of emulsions . In chemistry, paper filters are used for this purpose, for example in chromatography , see paper and thin-layer chromatography .

The coating or painting of a component serves as a separating layer between metal and the air in order to prevent rust and other damage.

Geological separation layer

In geology , separating layers arise when fine substances sediment on the sea floor when the current or sink rate changes. They are then recognizable as stratification in the finished sediment . In karstology (specialty in geology) the term plays a very important role. In the structure of Jurassic rock layers ( carbonates ) there are those that are completely impermeable to water ( aquiclude ) or slightly permeable to water ( aquitarde ). Such layers have the function of a separating layer in the Karst (example: Swabian Alb ).

Electrical isolator

All electrical wiring and capacitors use an insulator . The Electrical isolation isolated different circuits in transformers . Plastic foils serve as the dielectric in the foil capacitor , thin separators for interference suppression between two microphones. An electrochemical double layer occurs between immiscible liquid electrolytes ; in semiconductor technology , the pn separating layer characterizes the charge flow.

Biological separation layer

In biology there is a wide variety of protective and separating layers, for example the skin , the leg and brain membranes , the diaphragm, etc. Even on a small scale , every cell is separated from the neighboring cells by biomembranes , which also allow osmosis - see membrane as separating layer .
