Trinette Bindschedler

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Trinette Bindschedler (born October 29, 1825 in Münchenstein , † December 12, 1879 in Riehen ) was a Swiss deaconess . She was the head of the deaconess institution in Riehen.


Trinette Bindschedler's real name Katharina Bindschedler was born in Münchenstein as the second of four children. The parents came from Männedorf in the canton of Zurich. The father was the director of a cotton mill. The school attendance took place partly in the boarding school. After her confirmation, Trinette Bindschedler returned to her parents' house in 1842.

In Münchenstein she heard a lecture by Theodor Fliedner , the founder of the parent company in Kaiserswerth . This lecture inspired her to become a deaconess herself. In her parents' house group, where theologians and lay people met, she got to know Christian Friedrich Spittler , who selected her for the office of head of the newly founded deaconess institution in Riehen. Katharina Bindschedler was trained as a nurse and deaconess at the deaconess institutions in Strasbourg and Kaiserswerth.

On November 11th, 1852 the Diakonissenhaus Riehen was officially inaugurated and Katharina Bindschedler was consecrated. She was now given the first name Trinette . The young deaconess organization grew rapidly. In 1855 the nursing service in the medical department in the Bürgerspital in Basel was taken over, and in 1859 the infant school in Riehen. The Aarau Cantonal Hospital followed in 1860.

At the beginning of the Franco-German War in 1870, Trinette Bindschedler delegated nurses to German hospitals for military service. She organized recreation stays for the deaconesses when they were overworked. In 1858 traveled Bindschedler in other deaconesses homes and met in Hamburg with Amalie Sieveking together. On her 50th birthday, the sisterhood had reached 135.

Trinette Bindschedler played a decisive role in the planning of the Riehen hospital, which went into operation in 1871. She died of typhus , from which she fell ill at the age of 54.

The leadership model of the Riehen sisters, which was significantly shaped by Trinette Bindschedler, is still reflected in the leadership structures of the sisterhood to this day. This leadership model differed in essential points from the leadership structure of other deaconess houses in the German-speaking area.

Correspondence and chronicle books

Trinette Bindschedler left an extensive collection of monthly reports, travel reports, letters and diaries in the archive of the Diakonissenhaus Riehen. From 1858 the so-called “Chronikhefte” were created. In these, Trinette Bindschedler compiled a monthly list of the patients and their diseases. The chronicle books are an invaluable resource for medical historians today.


  • He is a wonderful help to the poor, letters and correspondence from Trinette Bindschedler. Publishing house of the Diakonissenanstalt, Riehen 1943.


  • Samuel Barth: Sister Trinette, a deaconess life. Basel 1883.
  • Johann Jacob Kägi: Eben-Ezer. The Riehen deaconess house (1852-1902). Riehen 1902.
  • Urs Heim: Life for Others. The nursing of deaconesses and nuns in Switzerland. Basel 1998.
  • Ulrich Gäbler, Martin Sallmann: Pietism in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. The diaspora work of the Moravian Brethren. Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2000, p. 139.
  • Hubert Kolling: Katharina Bindschedler. In: Horst-Peter Wolff (Hrsg.): Biographisches Lexikon zur care history. Volume 2, Urban & Fischer, 2001, pp. 25-26.
  • Susanne Kobler-von Komorowsky: “Maria-Sinn” and “Martha-Dienst”. Female diakonia as an expression of the woman's image of the revival movement in the 19th century using the example of the Riehen Diakonissenanstalt. Contributions to diaconal science, university publication Diakoniewwissenschaftliches Institut Heidelberg, 2002.
  • Doris Kellerhals, Lukrezia Seiler, Christine Stuber: Signs of Hope. Sister community on the way. 150 years of the Riehen deaconess house. Reinhardt, Basel 2002.

Individual evidence

  1. a b Doris Kellerhals and Lukrezia Seiler: Trinette Bindschedler , in: Adelheid von Hauff (Ed.): Women shape Diakonie, Volume 2: From the 18th to the 20th century , Kohlhammer Stuttgart 2006, pp. 318–337. Digitized version (individual pages)

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